Part 2 ~

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Again I apologize for my spelling and if you don't like it!

Your speechless. You can tell that everyone around you is holding their breath and you can see constant bright flashes and clicking sounds meaning people are taking photo's around you, maybe even of you because of what has just happened.
But you pay that no attention to them right now, you just made a complete idiot of yourself, being pushed around, making the barrier collapse,falling onto the red carpet, bring Josh Hutcherson down on top of you, and now you just look like a gormless fish with your mouth gaping open while you try to think of what to say.
"Are you alright? Omg i'm so sorry" Josh repeats himself. Why is he apoligizing? He wasn't the one that caused this. Instead of replying like a normal person you continue to do the fish stare. God why can't you say something! Your begining to get angry with yourself, the reason you came here was to meet Josh and attempt to impress him even though you knew it was a long shot. But not this!!
You stare up to look at his face. You trace the outline of his jaw up to his nose, then finally look into his deep hazel eyes that are staring straight into your own.
"Omg" you begin to blurt out, "I'm so sorry". You sit up and quickly move your hair from your eyes and stare at him in concern. "Did i hurt you? I would never forgive myself if i have."
Josh grins at you, stands up and then helps you to your own feet. "I'm just glad your ok, you gave me a fright when you wouldn't open your eyes and talk to me."
"Oh no I'm fine, but are you sure your alright? Because if your not..." you rush out but your cut off by the sound of him chuckerling.
"What?" your suddenly worry about your appearence. You quickly look down to see if your skirt and top are still in place and when they are you move your hands up to your hair, but you find it still pinned back in the same place. Why was he laughing?
"Sorry, its just that i just fell on top of you and i'm not exactly the lightest person" aww he is to cute and modest "and here you are making sure i'm alright and not giving me a word in edge ways" he says.
"No" you carry on blurting out, "Its just that.."
"Seriously (yourname) i'm fine!" he says smiling at you. He knows your name, probably heard Lucy say it as you fell over. But still he just said your name and you can't help but blush.
"As long as your sure.."
"I truelly am" he replies. You take that as your que to leave so you smile and nod your head. You turn to walk back to Lucy and take your place behind the barrier again when you feel a warm hand wrap around your own.
"Where do you think your going?" Josh asks you, a cheeky grin upon his face. You gesture back to Lucy and the barrier and say "I was going to.." but once again you are cut off.
"Nope, since i just almost flattened you and your already on the red carpet why don't you stay? And by all means bring your friend."
"No josh, i couldn't."
"(yourname), please its the least i can do"
Oh great, your doing the fish stare again. However the fish stare dissapears and is soon replaced by a smile. Josh smiles back at you, his white teeth gleaming. "I take it thats a yes then" he replies. You glance back at where Lucy is standing. The girls that pushed you earlier don't look so happy, envy is on every inch of their face. You gesture to Lucy ,who's face is blank with shock, to come and join you and it doesn't take much convincing until she is at your side, beaming just as much as you.
You begin to make your way slowly up the carpet towards the theatre when you realise that the flashes and clickings of what seems to be like a thoasands cameras around you. You look down and see the answer. Josh has still got a tight grip of your hand, his fingers intwined around yours, as if he was scared that you might run off any second. You losen your grip to let go of his hand which causes him to grip on even tighter. He looks up into your face, your eyes. He smiles and speaks directly to you so only you can hear him. "No. Holding hands is much better"

Hope you liked it! I will be carrying it on soon. I'd love to hear some Feedback from you all(: 

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