Part 15 ~

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Yep, you have lost your breath, unable to speak. You turn around to find sam, ask him why he brought you here, but Sam was already walking back up to the house smiling to himself. You understood. It was a set up. Sam, Lucy and Jen probably all new that you would want to leave if you saw Josh and so made earlier arrangements that they would take you here. You look back to Josh. 

He begins to walks over slowly, then stops infront of you, so that the tips of your shoes are touching. You don't want to run again, running away is all you have seemed to do today so you stand your ground. You look up into his watery hazel eyes. You don't turn away from his gaze. You want to hear that he has to say. 

"eventful day, huh?!" Josh says and you can't help but smile, because it was a very eventful day. You nod. 

"listen, (yourname). You have to know how sorry I am. The way things worked out today. Nothing was intentional. I mean, the paparazzi and everything." he says."I understand how it looked after you left. Me kissing you, then covering you up so no one could find out who your were. I know now how stupid of me that was, because it did look like I was just using you as a fling that some celebrities have. But I promise you that I would never do that to you, or any other girl!!  

Today I woke up, and I was so exited. I was getting the chance to see you again! Because I do.. I do like you.. Alot for that matter. The day of the premiere... When I fell ontop of you.. That was embarressing and humiliating, but I'm so glad it happened!!" You look at Josh. He has tears in his eyes, just like you. You feel one gently falls down your cheek, so Josh moves his hand up to your face and gently wipes away the tear that escaped. His hand then moves down to your cheek gently stroking it. 

"it was the day that I got to meet you!" Josh says quitely. You can only hear the sound of his and your breath now as he waits for you to reply."why did you cover me up then?!" you ask in a weak voice, if you said it any louder your sure that you would break down into tears!  

Josh looks at you for a while, and you become lost in his eyes. 

"it's... It's hard. You won't understand....." 

"then please.. try to help me understand!" you say a bit louder, with more confidence in your voice.  

"well... When your famous you can.. You can never have a normal life." Josh says stammering a little. 

"nothing is ever good enough.. You always have to give something." 

"what do you mean?" you ask confused. 

"I mean pictures, autographs, more pictures... Millions of questions. And that's everywhere you go. It's a lot of weight on your shoulders." Josh replies. 

"I didn't... I didn't know if you were just as serious about me as I am with you to go through all that stuff!" Josh says looking into your eyes. 

So after everything.. Everything today Josh was still asking for forgiveness!!You had been so rude to him, blanked him out, literally screamed in his face, and he was just trying to protect you! After everything he was trying to protect you! You feel nothing but guilt and hatred towards yourself. You look up at Josh and more tears begin to drip down your face.  

"I understand!" you whisper. "Josh I'm so sorry!" 

"(yourname) please don't apologize, you've done nothing wrong! And don't cry either. Seeing you so upset makes me upset!" he says, laughing and crying at the same time. You smile back at him through your tears. 

"does that mean you forgive me then?" he asks quitely. 

You nod your head.. "can you forgive me?" you ask back. 

"you have done nothing wrong to ask for forgiveness" Josh says smiling, and you weakly smile back at him.  

"Oh.. And this is for you." he says holding the lilly in his hands up to you, making you beam back.  

"it's beautiful Josh. Thankyou" you say taking it from his hand and lifting it up to your nose to smell.  

"just like you then.." Josh says "a beautiful flower for a beautiful girl!" 

You blush and go to cover up your cheeks so he won't see. 

"don't do that.." Josh says taking your hands, stopping you from covering them up, "it's what makes you so cute!" "not as cute as you though when you blush!" you reply giggerling.  

"oh god... I blush?!!" Josh says, blushing even more, "I thought everyone was joking when they said I blush!"  

"nope, but dont worry its cute, and who's everyone?" you ask laughing. 

"mostly my.. my brother...." Josh says slowly as if realising it for the first time which makes you giggle more. 

He sighs shaking his head and begins to laugh.  

"well, only one real opinion matters to me anyway. So as long as you say it's cute.. I'll be alright!" Josh says, wiping some more tears from your face.  

A loud crash comes from inside the house and you both turn around amused as your hear a drunken voice shout.. "I'm ok! I'm still alive!" and lots of people cheering. You laugh and turn back to Josh.  

"shall we go back up to the house then or what.." you begin to ask. 

"can we go up in a minute. Besides they seem to be having fun. And.. And I was woundering if you would.. Well, if you would dance with me?" Josh asks looking at the marble floor then back to you.  

"there's no music.." you say smiling. 

"then we'll make some!" Josh says. You smile at him. This man in front of you.. He could make any situation better!  

"well, can I have this dance?" Josh says offering you his hand. 

"yes." you say beaming.  

Josh takes your hand, with the lilly stem between both your palms, then leads you onto the floor, and together you begin to dance....

The Perfect Dream (Josh Hutcherson) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now