Part 38 ~

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I have a habit of writing very long chapters at the moment.. Haha.
Thank you for the reads/comments/votes guys, it means the world to me:) x

"Come on Liv, he'll be here any minute" Lucy shouts from the bottom of the stairs.
Lucy had come over an hour earlier to help you get ready for yours and Josh's date tonight. You were wearing a white skater dress with spaghetti straps and white converse. Lucy had pinned your hair back neatly, letting a few strands of curled hair down and applied natural yet noticeable make up.
You grab your bag and leather jacket before jogging down the stairs two steps at a time.. You couldn't help but be excited!!

"Oh hunny, you look beautiful" your mum says walking into the hallway, your dad following closely behind her.

"Thanks mum" you say, giving her a hug.

"Excuse me" Lucy says huffing... she was very dramatic!

"Yes yes thank you Lucy" you reply giving her a wink and hugging her, after all, she did help you get ready.

The door bell rings breaking up your small conversation, and Lucy goes to open it.

"Hey Lucy" josh says, hovering on the door step, a small flower in his hands. He was wearing black jeans and a smart shirt that fitted nicely. His eyes meet yours and his mouth opens slightly.

"You look absolutely beautiful Livia"

"Don't look to bad yourself" you reply making him grin,

"shall we get going?" Josh says, holding out his hand in which you take, nodding your head.

Josh looks from you too your father, giving him a meaningful look. What was up with those two?

After saying your goodbyes and walking for about ten minutes hand in hand, you come to a small restaurant.
Josh holds the door open for you as you enter and you mutter a thanks blushing.

"My pleasure," josh whispers in your ear, as you make your way over to a small table.

A vase holding a single flower and a candle were set on the small table, lighting it up a bit. This place was so cute. Josh leans over the table slightly, taking holds of your hands and bringing them to his lips, kissing them softly.
"You really do look beautiful Livia"

After the meal, josh had payed the bill and you were now walking back along the road.

"Thankyou for tonight, it was amazing. I had a great time" you say stopping, causing josh to swivel around to face you, an eyebrow raised.

"I'm glad your enjoying it"

"enjoying?" you question, causing josh to grin.

"the dates not over yet silly, besides it only 9" he smirks, elbowing your side.
You just assumed that first dates were just a meal type thing or something and that was it, nothing more.

You carry on walking for another five minutes or so, making small talk. Suddenly josh turns the corner, leading you to your familiar childhood christmas'.

"we're going ice skating?" you say excitedly as you enter the small building. The building held a small cafe and bar, as well as the place you pay to get your ice skates. The actual ice rink was set up outside every year. Almost every Christmas you and Lucy would come ice skating, you were getting pretty good at it to be perfectly honest.

"yeah... so.. i did well then?" josh asks nervously as you make your way over to the desk where you pay and collect your ice skates.

"you did amazing" you say reassuringly, reaching over and giving josh a peck on the cheek, making him blush. Your sure you've said this before but why was he so darn cute?!

As soon as you had payed you quickly pull on your ice skates, fastening them tightly, then head out onto the ice.
Smoothly you skate around once, before glancing over your shoulder looking for josh, only to see him watching you in amaze.

Slowly, he steps on to the ice, shuffling his feet, making him look a bit like a retarded penguin. You can't help but giggle. Josh looks up at you, putting on a pouty face.

"hey don't laugh! I'm a beginner, obviously unlike you" he says sticking his tongue out.

"come on then," you say holding out your hand for him take. Slowly you help josh (more like pull josh) around the rink, gradually picking up speed, "we can't go snails pace all night" you say smirking.

"HEY!" Josh says, pulling back on your hand. The sudden movement makes him fall back on himself, but being the poop he was he didn't let go of your hand, causing you to topple down onto him.

Umph. Well done liv.. That was a pleasant sound.

Josh smirks at your current position. Hoisting himself up onto his elbows you try to roll of him, but his arms seem to find themselves around your waist, keeping you steady.

"This, by far, has got to be one of the best dates I've ever been on..." he says leaning in closer towards you.

"me too" you whisper back.

"with.. The most amazing girl i think i ever have or will ever meet" he finishes off, leaving you stuttering for words.

You didn't need to find the words you were looking for though, as his lips connected with yours, kissing you sweetly.

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