Part 30 ~

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You wake up to the sound of loud noises coming from the front door. Hastily you sit up from the sofa, combing your hair from your face.
You must of fallen asleep quickly last night! You and josh had talked for a while, throwing back and forth your opinions in which way your relationship should go. You kept your ground, while josh tried to persuade you other wise. You just really don't want to hurt him or be hurt again. When the conversation ended you had cried, hence all the tissues lying about.
You quickly stuff them all in to the bin before heading into the hallway, to see who was trying to break down your door.

"Lucy?" You ask as soon as you open the door, as she hurries past you and into the house. "Care to tell me what the hell your doing?"

"You weren't picking up your phone, nobody had heard from you all day. I was getting really freaked out" she says, placing her hand on her forehead.

"What do you mean all day?" You ask confused, "what time is it?"

"It's past 3"

"Bloody hell" you didn't realise how long you must of talked to josh last night!

"Have you- have you only just woken up?" Lucy says, trying to contain her grin.

"Yeah" you say rubbing your head sleepily. "I'm shattered. Hey, since your here do you wanna have a movie day- well.. afternoon" you ask Lucy, heading into your living room.

"Yeah sure!" She says jumping onto the settee, crossing her legs and grabbing a pillow. "Erm, liv.."

"Yeah?" You reply, your back turned to her as you go through your DVD cupboard.

"What's with all the tissues?"


"Oh nothing, I, erm, have a cold"

"Sure you do!" She says sarcastically. "Come on! Spill!" You turn around to face her piercing blue eyes.

You tell her about the phone call with josh, and the way he sounded on the phone. The way it broke your heart. The way you truly felt about him, and probably will for a long time.

"Lucy, I really really like him. This isn't just your stereotypical crush anymore." You say becoming overwhelmed.

"Hey, sshh" she says trying to comfort you. "How about that movie? It will take your mind of things!" She suggests.

Ten minutes later you were both in blankets on the sofa, a bowl of popcorn in-between you as you watch the movie.

Every fie minutes or so a little buzz would come from Lucy's phone, making the dark room light up. You were beginning to get suspicious. She was talking a hell of a lot to this person. You wonder who it was. What if its a boy?

"Hey liv?" Lucy asks, breaking the silence in the room apart from the movie and chewing of popcorn.


"Your still coming to the winter wonderland tomorrow aren't you?" She asks unsure, "please do. It wouldn't be the same without you."

"I didn't think I had a choice" you say sticking your tongue out at her in which she quickly returns, before texting away on her phone again.

It should be fun, and you had already brought your dress so you didn't really see the point in not going. Besides, it would help you take your mind of things.

The Perfect Dream (Josh Hutcherson) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now