Suprise Feelings

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We had just gotten back to Quantico from a case. It was one of those cases that made you feel sick and disgusted once the truth finally came out. This girl helped her boyfriend kill and torture other girls because he said they were flirting with him. And it would make her feel better if those girls weren't on earth anymore, and of course he said the major word each and every time. Love, I love you, let's do this. It still gave me chills.

I wanted a drink, or drinks. Hell, I had no one to go home to. Will and I divorced a year ago, and Henry is with him tonight. So, I just wanted to go get drunk and forget about this terrible case.

Morgan and Reid were also talking about the case. Arguing.

"But come on Reid, there is no way she didn't know what she was doing wasn't wrong." Said Morgan.

"Her boyfriend convinced her that what they were doing wasn't wrong. You'd be suprised what girls would do for their "loves"." Said Reid.

"Now that's just wrong. How could a smart girl like her fall for that line?"

"It's the powerful word used now, and girls fall for it each and every time. Even if it's not true." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Still wrong." Said Morgan shaking his head. Emily walked in to the conversation flashing her big beautiful smile. "Prentiss, please tell me you don't believe in that whole 'if you love me you'll' line."

"Well I personally believe that the word love is used way more than actually meant. So if a guy tells me he loves me right away, I know that there is only one thing he wants." She said winking at Morgan.

We all laughed. "Well how about we stop talking about this case, and go get some drinks?" Asked Emily. I was so glad she brought up going to go drink. She practically read my mind.

"I am definitely in." I said jumping out of my chair.

"Nah girls, tonight I got a date. Gotta pass." Said Morgan winking at us both and walking out.

"How bout you Dr.?" Asked Emily.

"I'm good. I was actually going to go see a play about-"

"Reid, you know I love you, but I won't understand anything you'll be telling me. So I'll just stop you there." She said patting his head. "JJ, let's go." She said grabbing my hand.

When we got to the bar we immediately started with shots of Tequila. After 3 rounds I felt the "poison" streaming through my vains. The music started getting louder and I started feeling a little drunk.

"Jayje, don't tell me your giving up that easy. We're not even half way through the rest of the drinks I plan on ordering." She asked downing another shot.

"No way!" I yelled so she could hear me. I ordered another round.

After half an hour I lost count of how many drinks we had. Then the song, "The Hills" by The Weekend started playing. Emily grabbed my hand.

"Let's go. Your dancing with me!" I followed her to the dance floor and started dancing.

"I only call you when it's half past five
The only time I'll be by your side
I only love it when you touch me, not feel me
When I'm fucked up, that's the real me
When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, yeah."

Emily started moving real close to me, and I started feeling different. In a weird nice way. She looked, beautiful, sexy. Her hair in her face, and the way she moved. Wait, Jennifer what are you thinking? Since when do I think of Emily this way?

Emily POV

JJ and I were getting really close while dancing. And I looked over at her and I saw her beautiful blue eyes. Bright and gorgeous. She looked so stunning. Wait, what the hell? Did I just think that way about JJ?

Then some guy bumped into her and dropped his drink on her. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry," He said.

"It's fine," she said. No matter what, she was always sweet and nice.

"Come on, let's go to the bathroom. Let's get you cleaned up." I grabbed her hand and found the bathroom empty. Funny, the bathroom was empty for the first time.

I locked the door behind us to give us some privacy, so no one would walk in. You know just in case JJ had to take off her shirt to clean up. I smiled to myself, thinking of JJ without a shirt, wait Emily. Stop thinking this way, I must be really drunk.

"Are you ok? What do you need?" I asked.

"I don't know. He practically threw the whole bar at me." She said. I laughed. "I should take this off, I don't want to get sick."

"Oh ok. If you want, I could leave. If you feel uncomfortable." I said nervously.

"No! I mean, you don't have to."



I don't know what was in those drinks but I found myself attracted to Emily every second. But, I never fell for girls. I was always straight, but with Emily it was different.

I proceeded to taking off my shirt, I had only worn a bra that day. No under shirt. "Crap, I forgot I wasn't wearing an under shirt. Sorry Em."

"No, no problem. It's fine. Really." She said, she was looking at me with that look. And, I didn't have a problem with it. I actually really liked it. We started getting closer, and closer to each other until our lips were only inches apart.

I leaned in and kissed her softly. Then she kissed me back deepening the kiss. We kissed for a while, our hands wandering onto each others bodys. Her hands feeling me up. I moaned. She kissed my neck then went down to my breasts. Unhooking my bra. She kissed and bit me. I pulled her hair. I took off her shirt and kissed her.

I pushed her against the wall and started taking off her belt. Her pants fell to the floor. I put my hand in between her legs, feeling the wetness. I put my hand in her underwear and started circling her clit. She moaned and bit her lip. I got on my knees and kissed her stomach. I was about to when we were interrupted with a knock on the door.

We snapped out of our little moment and hurriedly went to putting on our clothing. We ran out of the bathroom and back out to the club.

"We should go. It's getting late." She said avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah." I said. We ended up taking separate cabs and when I got home all I could think of was Emily, and the way she made me feel. I loved it, I loved her.

Emily POV

Things got heated really quickly in the bathroom, quicker than I thought. And I loved every moment of it. But it was wrong, even if it felt so right. It was so wrong, dirty. How am I going to face her at work tomorrow? Especially now that I'm starting to feel something for her, that I have never felt before. Love?

(Hey everyone. My first Jemily story. My readers from my Hotchniss story wanted me to write a Jemily fanfiction so here it goes. Tell me what ya'll think.)

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