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Emily POV

I got up early to make JJ and Henry breakfast. I went with pancakes and started cooking.

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday. Will looked really pissed off. But he shouldn't have treated JJ that way.

I was sipping coffee when I felt someone's arms go around my waist.

"Morning." Said JJ kissing my neck.

"Morning." I smiled.

"Smells amazing."

"Thanks." I said turning around and kissing her on the lips. "How's Henry?"

"He's watching TV right now. I don't think he completely understands what's going on. He knows his parents aren't together. But he doesn't understand the US part yet."

"Yeah, well he's a kid. Its hard for him. Well breakfast is ready. Let's eat."

JJ called Henry in to eat and we had breakfast. I got up to go get dressed while JJ picked out Henry's clothes. I was ready and getting my things ready.

"Shoot. You two are dressed and I'm not even dressed yet. And I don't want Henry to be late." Said JJ.

"Don't worry about it. You get dressed and got to work. I'll take Henry to school." I said winking at Henry.

"Thank you so much." She said running to the bathroom.

"Ok. Come on Henry." I said.

He grabbed his backpack and followed me to my car.

"So how's school going Henry?" I asked.

"Good. I made a new friend!" He beamed.

"Cool! What's your friends name?"

"Max! He's really cool. He likes playing video games just like me!"

"That's great Henry." We talked more and I pulled into the drop-off lane at his school.

He got out and I wished him a good day. I watched to make sure he made it all the way in. But he stopped walking and turned his face to a different direction.

I looked and I saw Will outside of his school. He looked bad. He looked like he hadn't slept at all. He didn't look good.

Henry was walking over to him and Will looked pissed. He was yelling at him to get in the car.

I got out of mine and I ran towards Will and Henry. "Henry, Henry! Come here Henry!" I said.

He looked over at me and then at his father. He looked confused and frightened.
"Get the hell away from my kid bitch! This has nothing to do with you." He yelled grabbing Henry's arm.

"Let go of him!" I pushed him away and told Henry to run inside.

"Who the hell do you think you are to be in my family's business?" He yelled.

"I am the person who watches out for the people you claim to have loved!"

"Screw you, you stupid cunt!"

"You can call me all the names you want. But it won't change the fact that I love JJ and Henry. And I will protect them at all cost."

"At all cost? Including your life?" He asked getting closer to me.

"Are you threatening me?"

"What do you think?"

"I think you should stay away from them. Or else Henry will lose his father."

Jemily(Unexpected Love)Where stories live. Discover now