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Emily POV

We got back to Quantico and everyone was exhausted. But I knew my day wasn't over yet. I spent my time with JJ and that was all I could do.

I didn't want to leave her, or the team. But I can't control Ryan or his needs. I went up to Hotch's office and knocked.

"Come in." I heard.

"Hotch, I have vacation days stored up, right?" I asked knowing I did.

"Yes, why?"

"Well, a friend of mine had an accident. And I was hoping I could take some time off and help her. Would that be ok?"

"That's fine. I'm sorry about your friend Emily."

"Yup, me to. Thanks Hotch."

I walked out and went to get my go-bag. How do I explain this to everyone else.

JJ came over to me and sat on my desk.

"Hey." She smiled.

"Hi." I answered.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm just going to have take some time off. A friend of mine had an accident. So I want to help her out while she's down."

"Its a girl?" She asked. Even I figured out at that point that JJ was jealous. If she only knew.

"Follow me to the bathroom." I said. She was right behind me and when we stepped in I placed my lips onto hers. Gently, then passionately. "You listen to me Jennifer Jareau. There is no other woman out there who can make me as happy as you can. And I mean that. I love you and nothing will change that. I belong to you, and you belong to me. Got it?"

She smiled and nodded. "Ok, I'm sorry. I'm just paronoid I guess."

"Its ok. I probably would be to." I kissed her again and smiled. "I should get going."

"Ok. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you to JJ." I walked out and grabbed my bag. Got into my car and drove to the hotel. 11th floor, 2nd room to the left.

I knocked 3 times and the door opened. Mark hugged me and I saw Ryan inside.

"Well isnt it about fucking time? Are you done fucking your little girlfriend?" Asked Ryan in a taunting voice.

"Screw you." I said. He smiled.

"Sexy and tough. That is why I've always loved you Emily."

I rolled my eyes and say down. "Do we have any leads?"

"Not yet. All we know is that she was last seen here in DC. There are pictures of her at a club dancing with a guy named Marco Ruiz." Said Mark.

"Marco Ruiz, didn't you steal money from him?" I asked Ryan.

"That and some more." He said.

"But Marco doesn't have the balls to pull this off on his own. He has a partner, or a boss." Said Mark.

"Your right. Ok Ryan, who would try to hurt you by taking away something so important to you?" I asked.

"It'd be impossible." He said.

"Who? How is it impossible?" I asked in confusion.

"Because he's dead."

"Are you sure."

"Pretty sure. I killed him, hell you were there."

I went back trying to remember.

He sighed, "Andrew King."

Now it all came back to me. He killed Andrew because he was trying to attack me and Mark. We fought, he stabbed Mark and left me a nasty bruise on my face.

"Are you sure he's the only person?" I asked.

"Pretty sure."

I sighed. "Are you sure he died? It's possible he could have survived." I knew that better than anybody.

"I don't know. We ran away after that. I always assumed he died."

"Ok, if he is alive. It explains why he came to DC, and took your sister. He came looking for us, your sister was the bait."

"How do we get him?" Asked Mark.

"I have no fucking idea."


I was in the elevator waiting for the doors to close, I needed a shower. I heard someone yell to hold it so I put my hand out. It was Morgan. I smiled at him.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." He answered back.

"So ughh JJ, how are you?" He asked nervously.

What was going on, Morgan never got nervous. "I'm fine. How about you?"


We stood quiet the rest of the way. I was confused on what was going on. It stopped at the parking garage and we got out. Before I knew it, Derek had his lips on mine. His kiss full of passion of heat. I kissed him back, unaware of what I was doing.

We stopped to get air and he smiled. "I have been waiting to do that forever."

I realized what we had done and put my hand to my mouth. Oh no, Emily. I belonged to Emily. What did I do? "Morgan, this-it's wrong."

"I know, but it felt so right. I have cared bout you since day 1 JJ. And after you and Will got a divorce I have been waiting to ask you out."

"Morgan, i'm flattered, but not ready."

"I'll wait. I'll wait for you."

"Ok, bye." I hurriedly went to my car. What the hell just happened?

Emily POV

We talked for a while, and we had to find Andrew, one way or another.

"Maybe we can track his bank accounts, find out where he's staying. He probably bought a warehouse or something to stash your sister in. So we hack in and find out." Says Mark.

"He could use a different name." I suggested.

"Then we keep trying until we find him."

"Then do it Mark. Your a computer wiz. Find out." Said Ryan.

"I would love to, but I don't have that type of equipment."

Ryan looked over at me. "But you do."

"No I don't." I said.

"Yes you do. You have one of those tech-girls in the FBI. Her names Garcia right? Use her equipment."

"How the hell am I supposed to do that? You told me to make up a story to get away from work and now you want me to go back. And how do I get Mark in there without anyone noticing? Penelope spends all day in her 'cave'."

"I don't care how you do it. Just do it."

I looked over at Mark and we walked out of the hotel room.

"Fuck me. This is going to be hard, you understand that right?" I asked.


( Hey everyone, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I just got out of the hospital, so I've been busy I guess. I'll try to update ASAP. I know you guys hate when I put Emily in danger, but she'll be safe soon. And how about my little plot-twist? A little Jorgan, inside my Jemily fanfic. Don't worry they won't last. But i'll keep it for a while. Bye.)

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