Is There Somewhere

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I was nervous. I felt shaky to my knees. She looked just as nervous. I thought about what Rossi told me and I knew he was right.

"Rossi, could you give me a moment alone with Emily?" I asked.

"Yeah sure. Henry!" He yelled. Henry ran down. "How about you and me go to the park?"

He smiled and walked out hand in hand with Dave.

I looked at Emily. She did what she had to do. I understand that now.

Emily POV

"JJ" I began but never got to finish. I felt her lips on mine. It was sweet but also forceful. She licked my bottom lip begging for entrance. I opened my mouth letting her slide in her tongue. I missed this. I missed her. I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips. I could feel her smile.

We both reluctantly separated to get some air. But immediately went back. I sucked on her bottom lip while putting my hand on her waist.

I looked her in her eyes, "JJ I love you. I know I screwed up and it will take time to gain your trust back, but I will do anything in my power to prove to you how sorry I am. And I never want to leave you again, because I am so, so in love with you. So, Jennifer Jareau, will you marry me?"

She smiled with tears gleaming in her eyes.


I didn't even have to think about it. "Yes! Yes Emily, I will marry you. You make me happy and I need you in my life."

She smiled and I kissed her again. We went towards the couch and just talked. We let out everything that we were hiding. We were honest with each other.

"Emily, I want to be your wife. Just promise me one thing." I said.

"Anything." She answered holding my hand.

"Don't ever hide anything from me ever again."

She kissed me passionately. "I promise."

The door opened and Henry and Rossi walked in. They have ice cream cones in their hands.

"Look Emily, I brought you an ice cream!" Said Henry.

"Thank you so much. I was actually in the mood for and ice cream. Its like you read my mind." She said kissing him on his forehead and taking the ice cream.

"What about me?" I asked pretending to be offended.

"Uncle Dave has yours."

I kissed me son and be ran back to his room to go finish his ice cream.

"Well you two look happy and I'm sure you two would like to be alone. So I'll see you both later." Said Rossi hugging us both.

After he left Emily and I snuggled on the couch together watching a movie. After a while I could feel Emily looking at me.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." I said with a smirk. I looked at her and kissed her on the lips.

"I just- i'm glad i'm back, with you." She said.

"Me to. I missed you."

"I hated being away from you. It wasn't for a long time but I still missed you so much JJ."

"I love you Emily."

She kissed me once more and then we went to go get lunch ready. I called Henry down and him and Emily were playing rock paper scissors.

I loved the way they got along, and I'm happy to be with Emily. The one thing that troubled me was the whole situation with Will. Sooner or later Henry was going to want to see his dad again and I wouldn't be able to hold it off anymore. I just didn't want to hurt him.

We ate the sandwich's I made and we all talked for a while. Somewhere in the conversation i sort of zoned out and started to think about how harder things would be now. How i would have to take Henry to jail to visit his father, and how he might not be able to fully understand the fact that he wouldn't be able to go to the park with his dad, or go out to the amusment park with him.

I began to wonder if Henry would be able to understand that Emily would become apart of our family and how Emily and I would get married. How would he handle it? I snapped out of my daze and looked at my son and how he interacted with Emily. I shook my head and quickly realized how i was overthinking things and i needed to focus more on the present, not so much the future.

For a second, I wished that this moment, where everything was at peace, just Emily, Henry, and me, sitting around the table, how much i wished for things to stay at peace. If only there was somewhere, some point where things weren't so damn complicated.


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