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 Emily POV

It was the first day back to work for JJ and I and I could feel the nervousness radiating off of her. I think she was afraid of what the team would think of her and the situation with Will. She knows that the team would never judge her but I can understand her indifference with being unsure whether they would treat her differently. JJ didn't like sympathy and I know that all she wants is for everything to go back to normal. 

We had dropped Henry off at school and we rode together to work. We were standing in the elevator waiting for it to get to our designated floor and I could feel JJ's tenseness. I reached over and grabbed her hand. "Everything will be okay. You are the baddest BAU Agent in this place and you have nothing to worry about. I got you." I quickly kissed her cheek and she seemed to relax a bit. 

"I'm just anxious I guess."

"Everything will be fine. I love you." The elevator doors opened and I squeezed her hand. "Let's do this."

We walked out towards the unit and heard surprise being yelled from JJ's desk. Penelope came out with cupcakes in a box that spelled welcome back, she was even dressed in a cupcake themed dress. 

"What's this?" JJ asked shocked.

"Well we, meaning me, wanted to do something for you and I know you don't like big fusses but I missed you so much and wanted to show you how much by getting you your favorite, cupcakes!" Penelope went in to hug JJ and we all laughed at the sweet sentiment. 

"And no, we didn't forget about you Emily. There are some red velvet cupcakes in here, just for you." Penelope hugged me also and then I heard a complaint from behind me.

"Woah woah woah, where are my cupcakes?" Derek asked amusingly. He hugged me and JJ and welcomed us both back. "We're glad you two are back. Pretty boy over here has been chewing my ear off talking about things I never asked about. I need a savior."

"What do you mean?" Asked Reid with a confused look on his face.

We laughed and talked for a bit before Hotch called JJ and I to his office. We walked upstairs and I whispered into JJ's ear, "Relax, everything will be fine." She nodded and we walked in. 

"I'm glad both of you are back, the team needs you both and I'm surprised we were able to make it as long as we did without the two of you. I want you both to know that as long as I'm in charge, there will be no issues with the two of you working and seeing each other. You two have had enough problems so I'll take this one off your plates. And, JJ you have all our support. I don't need to remind you that none of what Will did was your fault. We have your back, always." Hotch explained. 

JJ looked like she had tears in her eyes, "Thank you Hotch, really. I appreciate."

"We both do." I chimed in. 

"Great, now let's get to work."

We exited his office and headed towards the round table, "See, I told you things would be okay."

"I know, I just can't help but have all these thoughts in my head telling me things are going to go wrong." JJ replied. 

"Don't worry about those thoughts. You heard what Hotch said, we have your back. Forever and always." I kissed her quickly on the cheek and we sat down ready to hear the case. 


It felt great to have this weight lifted oof my shoulders. I knew my team wouldn't have judged me but I couldn't help but have this feeling in the pit of my stomach like something was going to go wrong. I did my best to ignore it and sat to listen to Penelope.

"Okay everyone, we just got called in from Charlotte, North Carolina. They have had a string of murders for the past two weeks involving husbands and wives. In 3 out of the 4 cases the couples were the only ones home, the kids were either at friends houses or out. Our Unsub attacks at night and is able to bypass any security the families have installed. The Unsub then strangles the wife while the husband is forced to watch, then the husband is beaten to death. But in the most recent case, Will Johnson the husband and Lauren Johnson the wife weren't alone. Their daughter Melissa, 8, was upstairs and saw and heard the Unsub. From what Melissa told local law enforcement, the Unsub also saw Melissa but just put a finger over his mouth to stay quiet and then left the home after he had finished killing the father." 

"So he just let her go, he didn't even try to hurt her or threaten her?" I asked.

"That's what it looks like." Answered Penelope. 

"So our Unsub waits for these couples to be alone and attacks them when the children are away but chose to do this last murder when Melissa was home?" Asked Derek.

"Maybe he didn't know Melissa was home. If our Unsub is able to bypass security and get in the home without a trace and waits for the parents to be home alone he must be stalking them. If he thought Melissa wasn't home it could have been why he attacked last night." Emily said.

"But why not try to scare her into keeping quiet?" I asked. 

"That's what we're going to find out. Wheels up in 20." Hotch said while getting up to leave. 

I got up and looked over at Emily. She was looking at Melissa's picture, analyzing it.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"No, nothing. I just can't figure out why he let her live? She ruined his MO. He should have been frustrated."

"Maybe this isn't about her. He had no reason to harm her."

"Yeah maybe, but poor girl. 8 years old, losing both of her parents. I can't imagine. She's all alone." Emily sighed and we left the room to go meet the team on the jet. 

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