Would You Call That Love?

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Emily POV 

I drove straight to Sara's house and rang the doorbell anxiously waiting for her to let me in. She opened the door and let me through telling me that the girls were outside playing. 

"I did something really stupid. Actually make that two things that I did that were stupid." I said.

"That seems to be a recurring theme lately. Should I be worried?" She laughed. "I take it you did go to JJ's, what happened?"

"Well I was just trying to be there for her, you know. And she started to feel a bit better and she walked me to the door and I kissed her. I full on kissed her, she kissed me back and then I ran. I didn't even wait to give her an explanation I just left."

Sara nodded, "Other than the running part, what else was stupid?"

"I kissed her. She was vulnerable and I took advantage. And we're broken up. That was stupid."

"Yes, you two are broken up but you said she kissed you back which doesn't tell me you took advantage. Let me ask you this. How did it feel? Kissing her again."

I sighed. "It felt like I was home. I missed her so much, and I have tried so hard to stay away. But I can't stop how I feel about her. I will always love her, and I want her back. Which is stupid, because she broke up with me. But when she kissed me, it felt like she wanted me too."

"You know, when my ex and I broke up. She was packing some of her stuff and I remember we were cold and distant to each other even though we both still loved each other very much. My feelings for her didn't disappear from one day to the next. But I kissed her before she left, we had already called things quits but I kissed her. And it felt, weird. Like I was kissing a stranger. I still cared for her but I knew, we weren't meant to be. This sense of belonging you felt with JJ, just proves that maybe you two should still be together. And you guys went through some shitty things but to walk away from all of it, seems hard to do. Maybe, there is something in those years that you have known each other and the time you've been together that is still worth fighting for."

"What do I do?" I asked.

"I can't answer that for you. Only you know the answer. Dig deep, you'll know what the right thing to do it."

I took Melissa home and we had dinner together. We talked about her day and mine. When it was time for bed time I tucked her in, read her a book, and kissed her goodnight. 

When I went to bed, I tossed and turned. My mind was still in full gear thinking about JJ and that kiss. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I felt awful for running but I was scared. 


I was laying in bed still reeling from that kiss. I missed Emily, more than anything. I wanted to keep kissing her, I just wanted to hold her again. I wasn't shocked that she ran, she was probably freaking out not sure what any of this meant. When Will and I broke up I was heartbroken for Henry, but I didn't feel this ache that I felt with Emily. 

The next morning I dropped Henry off and told him I'd be picking him up again. I was going back to work at the beginning of next week so I was going to be around. He seemed thrilled that I was going to be home and asked if we could watch a movie later. I told him I'd think about it and kissed him on the head.

When I got back home, I started to clean around the house and I was washing dishes when I heard the doorbell ring. I wiped my hands and went to open. It was Emily.


"Hey. Can we talk?" She asked. 

I nodded and moved aside to let her in. She went over to sit on the couch and I sat near her. "So, let's talk."

"I'm sorry that I ran yesterday after I kissed you. I shouldn't have but I panicked. But...I'm not sorry I kissed you."

"Neither am I."

She took a deep breath, "Look, I'm just going to put this all out in the open. I love you, I still love you. I don't think I'll ever stop loving you. When you broke up with me it killed me because of how much I loved you. It made me feel like we weren't worth a chance, that I wasn't worth fighting for. But I can't change the way I feel about you. I want you, I have always wanted you. But, I have Melissa. And she means everything to me, and if that's still going to be an issue than just tell me know and I'll cut my losses and go."

I grabbed her by the sides of her face and kissed her. She kissed me back and I slowly moved so I was straddling her. I smiled into the kiss when I heard her moan. I tugged at her bottom lip when we pulled apart. 

"I still love you too. And I want us back together. It's been killing me being away from you and seeing you move on. I have regretted being such a selfish bitch, I don't know why I was worried or why I assumed it would be hard to be in a relationship if you had a kid. Could we try again?"

She kissed me. "Nothing would make me happier. But Jayje, this is it. I'm not a teenager anymore. We can't break up every five minutes and get back together again. Especially with the kids involved, I'm not introducing someone to Melissa if they're just going to leave. She needs stability."

I nodded in agreeance. "Seeing how much Henry missed you, I have to agree. They both need stability."

"So back together again?" She asked.

I smiled and kissed her. "Absolutely. It's you and me." She kissed me passionately and I felt her lips move to my neck. I started to push her away. "Wait a minute, what about Sara?"

She blushed and laughed. "Um, not real? I mean she is but there's no relationship. She's a friend, I met her when I went to Melissa's school. She has a daughter Melissa's age and they get along really well. I just said that to make you jealous. We're just friends, and she has a girlfriend she is in love with. Plus, I had someone else on my mind."

I scoffed. "You were trying to make me jealous?"

She sheepishly nodded. 

"That was mean." I got close to her ear and whispered, "You're going to have to make this up to me. And I have a couple ideas on how." I got off of her and grabbed her hand and led her to the bedroom upstairs. 

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