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Emily POV

I was terrified to go to work today. I'd have to face JJ and pretend like nothing wrong has happened. Just pretend like I don't love JJ. Pretend that I don't need her in my life. Pretend like she means nothing more than just a friend to me. But pretending was apart of life right? We all played pretend.

JJ was the one person who stood by me through all my tough times. I need her more than ever now, and she won't be here for me. I got dressed and drove to the BAU. I went straight to my desk and saw JJ look up at me. No, don't you dare look at her Emily.

Don't look at her with desire or love. Push all those feeling away. And I did. I felt her eyes looking at me.  But I wouldn't look at her. I just wouldn't, I couldn't.


She was ignoring me, please Emily, look at me. I wanted to apologize, but she wouldn't meet my eyes. I was full of regret. I wanted to feel her again and love her. Her phone rang and she looked down, she made a puzzling face and went to the bathroom. I felt something wrong so I followed her 2 minutes after.

Emily POV

I wish JJ would stop looking at me that way. I was praying for a distraction, then it came. My phone rang and I checked caller ID. It was Mark. He usually called at night, usually for late night booty calls. I ran to the bathroom to take it, he was not very gentleman like when he talked on the phone. I smiled.

"Mark, what a surprise? Aren't our regular booty calls at night?" I laughed.

"I wish I was calling for a booty call Em. But that's not it." He sounded serious. From the years I've known Mark, when he was serious, it meant business. And not good business.

"What's going on?" I asked starting to sound a little nervous.

"Ryan Grant."

That name brought back things I didn't want to remember. Things I did in my past, things that continued to haunt me to this day. That's actually how Mark and I met. "Why are you talking about Ryan? Isn't he somewhere in Puerto Rico? If I remember correctly he was living in Culebra in a nice house on the beach."

"He was, he won't be anymore."

"Mark, what is going on?"

"Do you remember his sister? Caroline?"

"Yeah." Caroline and her used to be best friends.

"She's gone Emily."


"Someone kidnapped her, and all leads point here to DC."

"Wait, does he think we have something to do with that?"

"No, he knows us too well. And he knows we aren't stupid enough to try to take his sister from him."

"Then why are you telling me this Mark?"

"Because he's going to want our help to find her. At all cost. With our connections and resources of course."

I shook my head. I knew what that meant. I couldn't keep doing this. Killing, fighting, blood. "No, i'm not doing it."

"I'd love to say you didn't have to. But whether we like it or not, we both belong to him. Without him we'd have a rap sheet as long as our arms. I didn't call you to frighten you, I called to warn you. Don't get too attached to your job or anyone there. Because in a second, that can all go away."

"I know." I said slamming my hand against the wall.

"Look, why don't you come over tonight?" He asked. I didn't even notice someone had come in just then, I just kept talking.

"Oh right so you can comfort me." I said with a smile.

"Among other things." I could tell he was smiling.

"Wait, I thought this wasn't a booty call."

"Oh it wasn't, it is now."

"Oh ok. But, i'm not so sure I want to go over there. What if I get bored?" I asked teasing. I never got bored with Mark. He was much more than a friend or a lover. Even if we didn't have sex, we'd talk or he'd just hold me. Making me feel safe.

"Oh sweetheart you won't get bored, trust me. I have a couple things in mind. Well have dinner, pasta, your favorite kind of course. With bread, salad, and your favorite wine. And for desert, well that's a surprise. But it will be something you've never had before."

"I don't know about that." I said smiling, thinking of JJ and the few moments we had together. Shoot JJ, if Ryan finds out about JJ. Crap. "What time shall I go over?"


"Ok, 8:30ish it is. Bye." I hung up. I smiled to myself and turned to see JJ with tears in her eyes.


 I felt so bad for Emily, I wanted to apologize and beg her to forgive me. But she doesn't give a damn about me. She's going to go screw some guy tonight. And for her to lie to my face and tell me that she loves me. I felt like a complete idiot.

She hung up and turned around. Her smile faded. "JJ, no listen it's not-"

"No! You played me like an idiot Emily. I love you, that's what you told me. Yeah, so much for love now."

"No JJ! Just listen to me and let me explain."

"Explain what?"

Emily POV

She was right, explain what? I couldn't explain the type of relationship I had with Mark because i'd have to talk about Ryan. And Ryan was not the type of person you messed with, ever. He was strong and powerful. More powerful that Ian Doyle was.

I stood quiet and she walked out. I took a deep breath. I couldn't be here. I went to my desk and grabbed my bag and slammed my drawer, hard enough to draw everyone's attention. All of my colleagues were looking at me in confusion. "I'm sorry." I whispered and ran out.

I drove to Mark's office and ran by his secretary. I ran into his office. He was surprised to see me, and noticed the look in my eyes. I ran into his arms and cried. He held me and didn't let go.

I loved JJ, but I was not going to let anything bad happen to her, ever. I would take care of her at all cost, even if the cost was my own life. 

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