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Emily POV

A week passed after the little altercation at Henry's school and Will hadn't tried to show up and take him. Which was a good thing.

My mother had a driver pick him up from school everyday and take him to her house. She actually seemed to have liked the company.

JJ and my mother met already and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would have been. They actually got along, thank God. I didn't want any problems between them.

We went to work together and got a case here in Quantico. The locals needed our help stopping a serial murderer who already killed 3 women this past week.

All brunettes in their middle 30's to early 40's. They had absolutely nothing in common except for the fact that they lived in the same city. Different jobs, living conditions, and hobbies. Nothing tied these victims together. He just killed them for no reason.

We assumed they could be surrogates for the women he's actually going after. But he was like a ghost, nobody saw what happened. They were all taken from public places.

"We got another victim. Katrina Hudson." Said a detective.

"Where?" asked Morgan.

"She was killed in her home."

Hotch sent Morgan, Reid and I to the house to look for anything that would help us find this guy.

We looked around and found nothing. Spotless, no evidence. He was the perfect killer. He knew exactly what to do.

Will POV

I saw them get to the girls house. I smiled. This was going to be easy. I drove closely to the kitchen door and waited patiently.

Emily POV

"Ok, Reid and I will take upstairs. Prentiss you good down here?" Asked Morgan.

"Yeah. I got this." I said. I started looking around her living room and through her pictures. Then I went to the kitchen. She had a door leading outside, probably how the unsub got it. I checked through her drawers then a picture on the ground caught my eye.

I picked it up, the picture was of Henry. It said payback in red letters.

"What the hell?" I asked.

Then I couldn't breath. Something was in my face and I gasped for air. A plastic bag was put over my head and then it all stopped.

Will POV

I snuck into the house while Emily looked through the photo. "What the hell?" I heard her say.

I quickly pulled a bag over her face and she clawed for air. She stopped fighting and I took off the bag and carried her to the car outside. In and out, quickly. And if anyone asked what my car was doing there, Offier Lamontagne was helping out the BAU.

Morgan POV

"Alright, well there's nothing up here. Let's see if Emily found anything." I said and Reid followed me downstairs. But Emily was no where to be found.

I went outside, "Uh, excuse me. Have any of you seen Agent Prentiss?" I asked one of the officers.

"No. Sorry Agent."

"Maybe she went back to the station." Suggested Reid.

"Nah, she'd wait for us. Or at least tell us. But lets go back anyway."

Will POV

She was tied to a chair with duct tape on her mouth. I had to admit, Emily was hot. Really hot, such a waist.

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