Missing Pieces

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Emily POV 

The past couple of days have been a complete blur. JJ and I broke up or were on a break or something that involved us just not being together. I was heartbroken, I was supposed to be happy because I was finally getting something I had always wanted, but I was losing the most important person in my life at the same time. Life is truly fucked up. 

I had gotten to Charlotte yesterday. I went to go visit Melissa and she smiled the brightest smile I had ever seen. Seeing her made me forget about JJ for a moment. We talked and talked and when I told her there was a chance that I could take her home with me, she put her arms around me and hugged me so tight. While the days had passed, Hotch had gathered letters of recommendation from everyone explaining how I would be a great foster parent. Every one sent one in, even JJ. I read over hers and struggled to see if these were honest thoughts or falsities on a piece of paper just to give me what I wanted. 

She knew I could be a good parent but she didn't want to see me do it or help me do it. I couldn't understand any of it, her reasoning just didn't make any sense to me. I wanted to hate her, but I loved her too damn much. 

I spent the day talking to social workers and case workers about why I would be a good fit for Melissa. I was sweating bullets. After showing up to the family court room I waited to hear the judges verdict on if she found me fit enough to be a foster parent. I had started picking at my fingernails again which was one bad habit enough but now I was aching for a cigarette. 

"This is a special circumstance. Generally, a process is done to place a child in custody of someone who already has the experience or has been through a thorough process. But, considering the personal nature involving this special agent and the child, I am able to see the importance of having Melissa put in an environment in which she will begin to flourish. That being said, I grant temporary custody of Melissa Johnson to Emily Prentiss." 

I couldn't help the smile that escaped my mouth. I hugged Vera as hard as I could. "Thank you judge."

"You will have various checkups at your home to see the welfare of the child. If after 6 months everything seems to being going well, you can apply for permanent custody."

"Thank you so much." I repeated. 

I was on cloud 9. She was mine, temporarily but she was mine. We went back to the foster center and I told Melissa the good news. 

"So I can come home with you, for real?" She asked. 

I laughed, "Yes, for real. I'm sorry I couldn't bring you home earlier. But I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. Making up for everything you've been through. I promise."

She hugged me and I had plane tickets to fly back to DC the same day. Melissa had fallen asleep on the plane which gave me time to think. Before I had left I had cleaned the place from top to bottom. Made sure everything was kid proof, in a way. She wasn't a baby so there wasn't much to fix. I had a guest room that I fixed up to be more kid friendly, I bought a painting of a baby giraffe to make her feel a bit more at ease. When we landed, I called a cab to take us to my place. Our place. 

I saw her eyes look around when I opened the door. She seemed curious but still too afraid to touch anything without permission. "You can do whatever you want Melissa. You don't need to ask for permission. Let me take you to your room." 

I saw her look around and noticed she saw the painting. She looked up to me and smiled. "Now I know it's a bit bland. I didn't want to decorate it without your help. So, I was thinking that tomorrow, after we go enroll you in school, we could stop at some shops and buy some things you like." 

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