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Emily POV

After the murders mysteriously stopped just like Will had promised we got off the case and went back to the BAU.

Everyone was in complete confusion about why the murders stopped, and it killed me inside to be the only one knowing why.

Will has been none stop texting and calling, asking when I was leaving. I couldn't give him an exact answer, all I could say was soon.

I spoke to some of my contact's that I had and asked around for any job openings that aren't anywhere near D.C.

I looked them all over and was stuck on the final 3. 1 was running the interpol office in London. 2 was a job as a Sargent in Los Angeles. And the final one was a unit chief in Chicago.

This was driving me insane. How am I going to tell JJ that I have to leave? She'd be broken and never forgive me.

But I have to do this. Not for me, for everyone else. Especially for Penelope.

But not telling anyone and asking for help was not helping the situation. I needed to talk to someone. Someone who wouldn't judge me. I needed......Rossi.

JJ looked like she was walking towards me so I shoved the job offers in my bag and shut it.

"Hey, what was that?" She asked referring to what I had just done.

"Nothing. What do you need?" I snapped

She looked surprised. "I just wanted to see if you wanted to have dinner tonight. And then afterwards maybe we could go back to your place..." She sat down on my desk and winked at me.

I wanted to say yes, hell I wanted to scream yes. But Will's voice was stuck in my head.

"Don't you have a kid to take care of?" I snapped again and I got up, grabbed my bag and walked out.

I ran to my car and slammed the wheel. My phone started to ring and I yelled, "What!"

"Stressful night Agent?" Asked Will

"What do you want Will?"

"You know what I want."

"Soon, OK, very soon! I have some ideas in mind. And I will let you know. So stop calling me and leave me the hell alone!"

"You might want to watch the tone in your voice Emily. I have all the power, you have none. Remember that."

I ended the call and threw it at the dash. Tears sprung out of my eyes. I started the car and drove to Rossi's house. He was the only one who could help me.


Emily was acting strange, she totally snapped at me when I wanted to hang out with her. What the hell did I do?

And what the hell was she hiding from me?

Emily POV

I knocked on Rossi's door, and he opened it and looked at me. "Emily, what is it?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.

I opened my mouth to say something, anything but the tears came pouring down and I couldn't control myself.

He wrapped his arms around me and brought me inside.

He walked me over to his couch and grabbed a glass of bourbon and gave it to me. The liquid warmed my hands and my throat as I drank. I wiped away a tear from my face.

Rossi sat across from me and waited. "What happened Emily?"

"I-i needed to talk to someone. And I needed someone I trusted and i-i'm afraid to say anything because if I do people get hurt and it'll be my fault and i-"

"Emily slow down. What are you talking about? Who will get hurt?"

I got close to him and got on my knees. "Rossi I am begging you, what I am about to tell you, you can't tell anyone. Please!"

"Emily I promise I won't. But what's going on?" He kneeled down next to me.

"Those murders, that mysteriously stopped-i know who the killer is. And I know why they stopped." I looked up at him and his eyes widened.

"Its Will. He killed those women, because of me. And he made me a deal. He said if I left JJ, if I left D.C., he'd stop. So I took the deal."

"Emily why? Why did you take the deal, you could have come to us. We would have stopped him."

"No, you cant stop him." I pulled out the job applications from my bag and showed them to him. "He said if I didn't leave, he'd hurt Penelope."

Rossi's jaw clenched and his hand formed a fist. "That bastard."

"Rossi, I'm going to take one of these jobs. But I need you to promise me, when I leave, you have to watch after P. I don't know if he's lying to me and would hurt her anyway. I can't let her get hurt. Please."

"Oh Emily." He hugged me and I cried again.

"Please promise me you'll watch after her, and JJ when I'm gone. Please."

"I-i promise."

"Thank you. Now, I need you to help me pick one." I said gesturing to the files.

"No Emily I can't."

"Yes you can."

"Emily, your like a daughter to me. I don't want to lose you."

I smiled. "And your like a father to me, but I need to do this."

He looked over the files and slowly read through them all. "They all look good for you, but the one in London looks the best. This one."

"Thank you for doing this."

I hugged him before leaving and I called Will.

"Hello." He answered

"2 weeks tops. I'll be gone."

"Where you going?"

"London. I'll be gone. But we had a deal. You touch or hurt my team in any way, I'm selling you out and I'm coming back. Got it!"

"Understood. Pleasure doing business with you."

I drove home and started packing, I filled out the forms and called Easter. "I'm in."


None of this made sense. Why was Emily ignoring me? I loved her so much, I didn't want to lose her, she was the love of my life.

I loved her, so much.

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