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Emily POV

I woke up in Mark's arms, we didn't have sex. He just held me tight. I told him everything, about me and JJ. He listened and understood. I told him my fears and thoughts of Ryan coming back.

He told me that he understood how hard this must be, but the only way to protect JJ, was to forget her. I knew he was right, I just didn't want to admit it to myself. Ryan was crazy when he wanted something he couldn't have. If I ever said no to him, he'd flip out. I learned that the hard way.

That's why I cared for Mark so much, he saved me. I kept thinking of Ryan, he'd expect me to stand by his side and do everything he said. And if I didn't, he'd find out about my love for JJ, and he'd hurt her. I couldn't let that happen.

I knew how to take care of myself. But I needed someone to watch after JJ if something were to happen to me. And even if we didn't have the best relationship, she was the only person who already knew about Ryan, and would have to understand. Whether she liked it or not.

I dressed in a red dress, not to tight, that came to my knees. With a black cardigan, in low black heels. I was to always dress acceptable in a properly manner, that was her rule. My mother liked to see my dressed nicely, and up to her 'standards'.

I drove to her home, it was so big. She lived alone, I felt bad for her. I used my key and heard her in her study.

"Mother." I said.

"Emily, what a surprise." She eyed me up and down and smiled. "You look lovely."

"Thank you, I wanted to talk to you about something mom."

"Of course."

"Mom, I don't want to sugarcoat anything for you, so i'm just going to put this out there. Ryan is back and he is looking for me to help him with something. And we both know how demanding he can be, and what he does to get what he wants. So of course I have to help him. But I need you to do something for me."

She nodded her head, understanding what I meant. "What do you need from me Emily?"

"Mom, i'm in love with someone. The most amazing person in the world. And if something happens to me, you need to watch after her."

"Her? Emily, do you have any idea what your saying?" She asked, shocked.

"Yes. Mom, I am in love with the most beautiful girl in the world, there is no one like her. She makes my day, her smile, her laugh. I work with her mom, and you know how Ryan gets when someone important comes into my life."

"Who is she?"

"Jennifer Jareau. Mom, if something happens to me, you can not let her get hurt. Please, promise me." I said grabbing her hands.

She looked reluctant, but she gave in. I left her and went to work. I didn't care what anyone said about my outfit at work. I was not about to change. I walked in and went to my desk. JJ and Garcia had been in a conversation when they looked up. Morgan and Reid looked my way. I think Hotch stopped talking on the phone and Rossi came out of his office.

"What?" I asked looking at all of them.

"Pussy cat, what are you wearing?" Asked Garcia.

Two words, my mother."

Morgan laughed and Hotch sort of smiled. Reid went to reading a book and everyone went back to work, everyone except JJ.


I was still angry with Emily about yesterday, but she walked in and still took my breath away. With anything she wore. I wonder if she understood what exactly she did to me.

She started picking anther fingernails. She was thinking about something. Rossi called her to his office and she jumped. She walked in and he shut the door behind her.

Emily POV

I took a seat in Rossi's office.

"So what's up with you?" He asked sitting on the edge of his desk.

"I told you, my mother. She likes me to look presentable." I said looking down

"That's not it. You slammed your drawer yesterday, loud and hard. So, what go to you?"

"I don't remember." I lied.

"Bull Emily."

"Rossi, I don't want to get into it."

"Is it something personal?"

"Will you please drop it?"

"So it is personal? Emily, your like a daughter to me. And I know something is bothering you."

I looked up with tears in my eyes. He sat next to me and held my hand.

"I...is it possible to love someone so much, that it hurts? But, it's that type of love that, that can never be real. Because things and people get in the way. And, you feel like you can't breath without them, like your being destroyed inside."

He hugged me and kissed the top of my head. "Yes, it's possible."

I let a tear fall. "Because that is how I feel. I...I feel torn apart and like a piece of me is missing. Because I can't be with this person, it's wrong and bad. And we got into a fight, and this person hates me right now. But, now something has come up, and the only way for this person to be safe, is for me to leave this person alone."

"Emily, you keep saying 'this person' you don't say he, because it's not a he, is it?"

I couldn't look him in the eyes, I wouldn't.

"Emily, i'm not judging you. It doesn't matter who you love, as long as it's true love."

"Rossi, I love her so much."

He held me and I cried and cried. "Emily, you should take time off of work, to deal with this."

"No! That will keep us apart!" I didn't even realize what I had said.


I put my hand to my mouth. "No, no." I grabbed his hands. "Please, you can't tell anyone. Please, don't tell Hotch."

"I won't, but just so i'm clear. Does that person happen to be, JJ?"

I looked up and quickly nodded.

He grabbed a Kleenex and wiped away my tears. Kissed my forehead. "Love her as much as you can, before whatever problem you have gets in the way. Now, get back to work. Stop slaking off." He said making me smile.

"And Emily, i'm here for you. No matter what."

I smiled and walked out. I took a deep breath, and walked to the locker room. Maybe I should change. I looked at myself in the mirror, i was a mess. Rossi was right, I had to love JJ as much as I could, before it was too late.

And that was just what I was planning on doing. Loving JJ.  

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