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Emily POV

I walked into the BAU with my head up and my heart aching. How as I going to do this to JJ. I could barely sleep last night, she was the love of my life and I was leaving her behind. I pushed that all to the back of my mind and thought of Penelope. I was doing this for her. I love P and I will protect her at all cost.

I saw JJ walking around and I looked up and pushed away the tears. I took a deep breath and went up to Chief Strauss' office and gave her my resignation forms.

"I'm sorry, but Agent Prentiss, I don't understand why you would want to resign." She said.

"I got a better job offering in London, and decided that it was best to move on and try something new." I said firmly.

"I see, well it is a shame but I cannot force you to stay. Is Agent Hotchner aware of your decision?"

"Not yet, I plan on telling him and everyone else today."

"Well, good luck Agent Prentiss."

"Thank you Ma'am."

I left her office and started walking towards my desk. I sat down and saw JJ talking to Reid, he was going on about some sci-fi movie he saw last night. I smiled to myself and looked up to see Rossi looking at me. He nodded at me and went into his office.

I grabbed some papers and got up from my desk. I was about to go into Hotch's office when JJ stopped me.

"Emily, wait." She said grabbing my hand.

I turned towards her, "What's up?"

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to the movies with me and Henry this weekend. He really wants you to go, and maybe after you can spend the night and we can you know..."

"I don't know. I might be busy."

I went up to Hotch's door and knocked. I could here him shuffle around papers and say, "Come in."

I looked at JJ before walking in, she looked hurt. I looked away and shut the door.

"Emily, do you need something?"

"Yes, well no. I just wanted to let you know that I am resigning." I gave him my papers and I stepped back.

"But, why?"

"I get a better job offer and I decided to take it. It's in London."

"Does JJ know?" He asked with a look of concern.

"No, not yet."

"Ok, well, do you want to tell the team now?"


"Ok, i'll have Garcia get everyone together in the round table."

"Thank you Hotch."

"Congratulations Emily."

I walked out and sighed deeply. I loved my family here so much. Leaving them just like that feels wrong. I put my head up and walked towards the round table where everyone was seated.

"Well, Agent Prentiss has some news she would like to share with all of us." Said Hotch looking at me. Everyone turned to me and I felt JJ's eyes on me.

"Well, I, I get a job offering in London. And I told them yes, so I will now be running the London office. Which also means I won't be working here with you guys anymore." I said.

"Wait, your leaving?" Asked Penelope.

I looked at her, tears were starting to form in her eyes. "Yes, I have to." I answered. I looked over at JJ who had confusion in her eyes.

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