Pleasure and Pain

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I pushed Emily onto the bed, and saw her watch me as I took my shirt off. I got on top of her and took her shirt off too. She was wearing a red bra and I quickly unhooked it. I kissed her as I palmed her breasts. She moaned when I bit her neck and left a trail of marks down her chest. 

I hadn't been with her in so long, it was pure torture. I wrapped my mouth around her left nipple and swirled my tongue around it while I pinched the other. Emily was squirming underneath me.

"Jayje please." 

I moved my mouth to her other nipple and gave it the same attention. I always loved Emily's breasts and the fullness of them in my hands. I kissed down her body and unbuttoned her pants. I rolled them down which left her in only her matching red panties. I smirked. "Were you planning on this happening?"

"I was hoping it would." She laughed. 

I kissed up her legs and slowly pulled her panties down. She was soaking wet. I kissed her thighs and near her entrance but still hadn't put my mouth where I knew she wanted it. She groaned. "Jen, stop teasing."

"I'm just taking it all in baby." I winked at her and lowered my mouth onto her center. I heard Emily moan when I started to suck on her clit. I used two of my fingers to enter her while I ate her out. She put her hands on my head and bent her legs to give me more access. I opened them a little wider and pumped my fingers in and out. 

"Fuck JJ, right there."

I licked and sucked on her clit and heard her breathing increase. 

"Oh my God, fuck...Jen...I'm so close."

I sucked harder and added a third finger. Emily came screaming my name and pulling my hair. I kept my mouth on her until she came down. I went up to kiss her so she could taste herself. She moaned when I put my tongue in her mouth. 

"Fuck, I forgot how good you were at that. I still never believe you when you say I was your first. You're too good."

"I had a good teacher." I kissed her again. She moved her hands to start touching me. 

"I want to focus on you." I said. 

"You just did." She answered back.

"I'm not finished." I kissed her hard biting her lip.

"But I really need to touch you, you're wearing too many clothes. And, are you honestly going to tell me that if I check, and I will check, that you aren't soaking wet right now?"

I nodded and she flipped us over. She quickly undid my bra, pulled down my leggings and practically ripped my underwear off. 

"Em, I like those." I groaned. 

She grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head while putting her leg in between mine. I moaned at the contact. 

"I'll buy you new ones later. But right now, be a good girl and keep your hands there. Don't move until I tell you to."

I could feel myself getting wetter, I knew she could feel it too. 

She licked my neck and kissed my jaw line, "Do you think you could do that? Be a good girl for me?"

"Fuck Em."

"I asked you a question."

"Yes..yes I can."

"Good." She kissed me and moved down my body kissing and licking every place she could. I needed her to touch me, I couldn't take it anymore. She was teasing me, biting my hip bone, kissing the inside of my thighs, palming my breasts. Continually moving away from where I wanted her to be. 

I was embarrassed by the moans coming out of my mouth but I was so desperate, I needed her to touch me. She put two fingers in my mouth and I sucked on them. She then inserted those same fingers into me. I bit my lip trying to contain my screams as she used the force in her arm to pump in and out of me. She kissed me while I moaned into her mouth and moved my hand to cup her head. She pulled her fingers out abruptly and forced my hands back on top of my head.

"What did I say?" She practically growled in my ear. I knew I shouldn't have moved but a dominating Emily fucking me was probably my favorite thing.

"Not to move, I'm sorry. I couldn't help it."

"You know what that means don't you? I'm going to have to show you what happens when you don't listen."

I knew what she meant and I was excited. I nodded and tried to hide my smile. She smiled back and kissed me. "Same place?" She asked.

I nodded and she got off of me to go get it. She walked back wearing the strap on. She went over to go get some lube but I grabbed her arm. "You aren't going to need any, trust me. Please Emily, come and fuck me."

She came back and climbed on top of me. She kissed me and slightly tugged my hair, "Now, I'm going to show you what happens when you don't pay attention."

She aligned the strap to my entrance and carefully but forcefully put it in. I gasped at the feeling and put my arm under hers to get closer to her. She wrapped my leg around her and started moving. She put her hand onto my neck and pounded into me. I scratched her back and continued to moan with every thrust. I felt myself get close. I grabbed her by her face and kissed her. 

"Emily...please. I need to cum."

She thrusted into me harder and I could feel myself getting even closer. 

"Baby please."

She moved her hand to rub my clit. I felt my eyes roll back to my head and I screamed her name. She pulled the strap out of me and kissed my forehead. She continued to kiss down my body until she was eating me out. I didn't think I could take another orgasm but her tongue wasn't giving me an option. She put on of her hands on my breast while she used the other to out two fingers inside of me. 

"Fuck Jayje, you're so wet." Emily moaned while she ate me out and I could feel my second orgasm coming. 

I didn't even warn her I just let go. She licked until after I had come. She took her fingers out and put them in her mouth. 

"I almost came again from watching you do that." 

She grinned and kissed me. We stayed holding each other. I kissed her neck and her ear. "I love you."

She kissed me again, "I love you too."

"How tired are you?" I asked curiously.

"Not too tired, why?"

"Because we still have a couple hours before we have to pick the kids up and I told you earlier I wasn't done with you."

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