Afraid to Love

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Emily POV

I was usually never late to work, but I didn't want to see JJ yet. What happened yesterday was something I never expected. Especially from sweet JJ. I ran into the bullpen just on time. JJ looked up at me when I walked in but I couldn't look at her, those blue eyes, I wouldn't be able to keep my eyes off of her. God she was beautiful. No stop!

"Sorry I'm late." I said taking a seat next to Garcia. Across from JJ.

"Late night?" Asked Morgan with a smirk.

"You can call it that. What do we got?"


Emily was avoiding me, she wouldn't even look at me when she walked in today. Does she regret it? Is it me? No matter what, she's still my bestfriend. I hope that with what happened yesterday won't change that.

"Wheels up in 30." Said Hotch.

Good, this will give me time to talk to Emily, and hopefully fix this awkwardness between us. I saw her speed walk to the bathroom. I followed her a couple of seconds after.

Emily POV

I ran into the bathroom, I couldn't even look at Jennifer without getting turned on. I never felt this way before. I just wanted to kiss her, and touch her again. I wanted her. Then like a gift sent from heaven she showed up in the bathroom.

I looked at her, then her lips. And all I wanted was to go up to her and kiss her. My mouth started getting really dry, but I wanted her. No matter how wrong it was last night. I couldn't go another minute without her touch.

"Emily, look i-" She started but I cut her off by kissing her.

She looked at me suprised, but immediately kissed me back. I pushed her against the wall and kissed her neck. She took off my shirt and kissed me. She started squeezing my breasts, I moaned in pleasure. This felt amazing. I didn't want it to end. I put my hand down her pants and could feel the wetness.

"A little excited are we? You missed me." I said with a smirk.

"You have no idea." She said pulling my hair and kissing me deeply. I circled her clit while she moaned. "Oh God, Emily!"

"Shhh, you don't want someone to hear." I said going in deeper and kissing her. She kissed my neck rubbing my ass.

I started circling her clit harder and faster. She moaned and tried to yell my name but I covered her mouth with my other hand. She licked my hand and kissed me.

"God, Emily, I love you." I heard that and I stopped. I looked at her with suprise. Love? I didn't know she felt the same way. Was this love? It couldn't be. But before I could tell her anything Reid knocked on the door.

"Guys, Hotch wants us on the jet." He yelled.

"Ok, well be right out! Just fixing our hair!" I said while putting my shirt back on. "Come on." I told JJ.

"Wait Emily, can we talk?" She asked.

"We have a case. Later." I said. I ran out of the bathroom, she said she loved me. This was bad, really bad. What would everyone say? The team, my mom. I grabbed my go-bag and got on the jet. Sitting far away from the everyone else. I had to be alone and think. JJ walked in a little while after.


I was so confused, what happened? One second Emily is kissing me then the next she's cold and distant. Was it something I did or said? Then I remembered I had told her I loved her. But was that really a bad thing? Well it probably was for her.

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