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Emily POV

A couple days had gone by and so far Will was sticking to his word, but something was telling me that he wouldn't last long. Which frightened me, I didn't want him to hurt any more people. And even if it has only been a few days, I have missed JJ like crazy. I missed her so much, I just wanted this all to be over, so we'd be able to be together.


I haven't seen, heard, or spoken to Emily in a couple days and I was getting more frustrated and angry by the second. She didn't even have the decency to give me a proper good bye. She just left while I was asleep, she couldn't even face me. Everyone seemed to tip-toe around me waiting for me to explode, but I wasn't going to do that. I would keep my calm, and try to forget about her.

But on the inside it was killing me, I am in love with Emily and not having her around hurts me so much. Penelope has tried cheering me up by bringing me tea and cookies. Morgan and Reid try to make me laugh with their ridiculous wars against each other. Hotch just let's me know that he's there, if I ever need to talk and Rossi keeps telling me that everything will get better one day.

I don't really know what he means by that, but I doubt it can ever get better. Yeah I missed her, but a little part of me also hated her even more. I don't think I could ever forgive her.

My phone rang and my heart jumped out of my chest, hoping and praying that it could be Emily. But it was Will, "Hi Will."

"Hey Jen. I was wondering if maybe you, Henry, and I could go grab a bite later and hang out." He said.

"Uh, sure. I'll call you when I get off of work and well set a time and place."

"Ok, great. Bye Jen."

He sounded nicer than he has been in weeks. Ironic, a couple weeks ago I was happy and he was in a bad mood. Now I'm the one in a bad mood and he sounds happy.

Emily POV

I saw Will on the phone for a while and when he hung up he had a smile on his face. I didn't feel good about it. I continued to follow him for the day and around 5 p.m., he went home. I thought he was done for the day but he came back out in different clothes and drove to a restaurant for little kids.

He was going to see JJ and Henry.


I sat with Henry while he ate his pizza and saw Will come in. He looked clean shaven and sort of handsome. He did look better from the last time I had seen him.

He kissed me on the cheek and talked with Henry for a while. Henry started saying he wanted to go play some games so Will gave him some money. I kept my eye on him to make sure he didn't wander off too far.

"So, how are things going?" He asked.

"Good, same old same old. How about you?" I asked.

"I'm doing good. I have tried changing my ways and I'm really trying to be better. Jayje, I really miss you." He said while putting his hands on top of mine.

I backed up and let go of his grip. "Will, I'm sorry, but no."

His smile faded and he looked upset. "But JJ I apologized and I've changed."

"I don't know that, just because you look a little better doesn't mean that you are better. And Will our marriage ended over a year ago. Will I care for you, of course I do. But I don't love you anymore."

He clenched his jaw and he look angry. I got up and decided that it would be best to let him cool off for a little bit. I went to go find Henry, he was playing basketball.

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