Moving Parts

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Emily POV 

These last four weeks had been hectic to say the least. JJ and I were planning on moving in together and the process was definitely hard. We were looking at buying a bigger house so we could have more room. JJ's was a good size but we wanted to expand a bit more. 

We found a house about a week ago that we all liked. It was going to take a couple of weeks for us to be able to move in but for now we were packing and making arrangements to change our billing addresses. 

When I had discussed moving in with JJ and Henry to Melissa, she loved the idea. She thought it'd be cool to live with Henry and JJ. She was slowly opening up more to the idea of friends and other people. Her therapy sessions were going well from what her Dr. told me. She still went over to Kara and Sara's whenever she could, they still gushed over being best friends. 

JJ was off of desk duty and had started to join the team for cases. We were getting along really well. We talked about any issues we had in the past and were looking forward to a brighter future together. 

We got to work together and I went to sit at my desk. She sat on top of my desk while we talked about the house and renovations we were planning on making to the backyard. 

Penelope came over and brought over some paint samples for the rooms. She was as invested in this move in as we were. "Look how great this paint swatch would look on your walls to match the furniture you guys picked out!"

JJ and I laughed while looking at the samples. Morgan and Reid came through and looked at what Penelope was telling us. Morgan offered to help with some of the renovations since it was something he did in his free time. 

We got called by Hotch to head to the roundtable for a new case and we discussed and went to the jet. We headed off to our new destination and worked on the case. It took a couple of days to find our unsub but we finally figured it out. When we came back to DC, JJ and I were sitting together on the jet. She had her head on my shoulder. I had my hand on her thigh and thought of all the things we had gone through over the past years and past few months as a couple. 

We went through so many things and it seemed insane thinking about it. But, we were finally together and happy. We both knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, and even though we couldn't be sure of what would happen in the future, we knew this was it. There was no more back and forth, where we were now was going to stay this way. We knew what it was like to be apart and never wanted to experience that again.

Having the kids get along so well, having JJ and Melisa connect, it just brought so much joy into my life. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else or being anywhere else. Being with JJ brought so much absolution and peace into my life, I at times felt like I didn't deserve it. 

I would hold her at night thinking about how lucky I was to get the ending I was getting. I felt happy, truly happy. Maybe, for whatever reason, I always saw myself as someone who didn't deserve to be happy, who didn't deserve to have a happy ending. I had told myself that it would never happen, that I would end up single for the rest of my life, no kids, and a house full of cats. 

There was something truly special about waking up in the morning with a house filled with love and joy that made me feel whole. 

When we got back from the case, we went to JJ's house. The sitter had been watching Melissa and Henry and they were asleep already. We both walked over to see them asleep and I smiled. "They look like little angels."

"Yeah, they have their moments." JJ grinned. 

I kissed her and we walked to her bedroom. I was exhausted, she went to go wash her face while I got ready for bed. She got under the covers with me and I held her while rubbing her back. I kissed her forehead and she asked me what I was thinking about. 

"Just how insane life is. I mean it feels like we've been living in this jigsaw. No one really prepares you for how life works or how heartbreaking it can be at times. But it's also beautiful because at the end of picking up any broken pieces, you get outcomes like the one you and I have. I'm glad we gave this another shot because being without you just made me feel like I was missing something, and then being back here holding you makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. And life is crazy and insane, and we probably have the weirdest lives but I wouldn't want it to be with anyone else other than you. All these moving parts of our lives makes us who we are, they make you and me complete. And I love you."

JJ looked up at me and kissed me. "I love you too Emily Prentiss."

I continued to rub her back as I felt JJ's breath steady which told me she fell asleep. I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes. This is it, this is all I want for the rest of my life. 

The End.

(Author's Note: Okay, I didn't intend for this to be the final chapter but as I was writing it I realized that I had done everything I had wanted to with this story. There's nothing more I can add to it and I'm content with how it is now. I'm so grateful for all the support I have gotten over the story and thank you to everyone who sticked by during my very long hiatus. Also thank you to everyone for reading the story in the first place because I will admit those first chapters were rough lmao. Thank you so much for everything. Again for those of you who follow me, I have mentioned before that the other two stories I had written in the past, Blossi and Bensidy, I have no intention on updating those stories because I kind of have no idea where to go with them. And I have received private messages from people asking me to write more criminal minds stories but I'm still on the fence about it. If it was something you all really wanted then maybe. But that being said, thank you all again. I have enjoyed finishing this story and enjoyed the comments and reactions. Ty. Also the title of this chapter and the things that Emily tells JJ was mainly taken from Trixie Mattel's song: Moving Parts so go ahead and check it out.)

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