One More Night

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Emily POV

We caught a case and boarded the jet. We were going to LA. It was going to be a long way. We talked about the case and everyone went to rest. I sat across from JJ, I wanted to talk to her. I looked over and saw Rossi making the 'talk to her' face. I made the 'cut it out' face. He laughed and closed his eyes.

I looked over at JJ, so beautiful and graceful. Her blond hair, how a piece slowly covered her face. I wanted to reach over and push her hair away. Kiss her and show her how much I love her. I looked over and saw everyone else was asleep. I could make my move, but my phone rang. JJ looked up at me and I looked down, Ryan.

"Excuse me." I said getting up and walking towards the kitchenette.  She looked at me with a look of curiosity.

"Hello." I said.

"Emily beautiful Prentiss. How are you doing?" He asked.

"Better than you. I'm sorry to hear about your sister, any word?"

"Not yet, and I bet you know why i'm calling you."

"Yup, and i'm not happy about it."

"I had a feeling. And I bet your hoping that i'd have a kind heart and leave you and Mark alone."

"But that's to good to be true, isn't it?"

"Exactly. See this is why I've always liked you Emily. Beauty and brains."

"Ryan, I can't keep doing this. I have a life, a job, friends. I can't just pick up and leave to fit your needs."

"And don't forget, you have a girlfriend. You left that out."

My heart stopped beating. What? How? How did Ryan know? Did Mark tell him? "I-I don't know what your talking about." My voice was shaking.

"Sweetheart, who are you fooling? I made you. I know who you are Emily. You used to have the hots for Mark, and now you have the hots for some blonde, blue eyes girly. Cute actually. Take a look."

I heard my phone beep and looked down. Pictures of JJ and I dancing at the bar. The day we first kissed and, felt things for each other. Then another picture, of us walking out of the bar.

"Ryan, please. Don't touch her. I will do anything, just please leave her out of this." I begged, I looked over at JJ. She was looking over at the case file.

"I won't. Come over and see me right now. You know where."

"I can't. I'm traveling."

"Trying to get away from me? I'll find you no matter where you go, you know that?"

"I'm not running, it's part of the job."

"Then take the next plane back, or else, I'll kill her. And her precious little son."

My phone beeped again. It was a picture of Henry and Will. Probably at the park. My eyes watered. "No." I said maybe a little too loud. JJ looked over, I fake smiled and turned away. "What do you want?"

"You, your one of the best Emily. You know how much my sister means to me. I need to get her back, at all cost."

"You mean at all cost including my pain?" I asked remembering all the things he had done to me in the past. Cuts, bruises, marks, scars, so much more. Just because he didn't get what he wanted. His excuse in the end, was that he was teaching me to be strong.

"Emily, this is how my games is played. I run the game, your just a player. And every player follows my rules."

I flinched.

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