Family Issues

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I was on the phone with Will, he was reminding me that I needed to go pick up Henry today. Geez, he acts like i'm going to forget to pick up my own son. He's still pretty angry that I left him. He tried to take Henry from me during the divorce. It was bad. And the worse part is I think he's still in love with me.

I got to the BAU and everyone was there. Emily was doing paperwork, probably catching up from the days we were gone. I smiled thinking about the way we spent the weekend at the beach.

"JJ!" Yelled Garcia.  The rest of the team turned to see me.

I smiled seeing her running over to me in her tall heels with her arms open. I hugged her. Spence came over and hugged me. Derek followed. He held me tight and smiled, letting me know we were good.

Rossi hugged me and Hotch smiled. I looked over at Emily and she was behind everyone. 

Emily POV

I wanted to run to JJ, but I didn't want to make it awkward between us and the team. I was so nervous walking in here today.

"Ugh, I can't stand this. Just go to her." Said Garcia smiling.

I looked at everyone and they all had smiles on their faces. I went to JJ and hugged her. I wanted to kiss her but we had to keep it professional at work. So I kissed her cheek. Then went back to work.

About half an hour in Hotch told us there were no pending cases for the day. We could leave as soon as we finish our paperwork. JJ came over to sit on my desk.

"Hey." She said.

"Hi." I smiled.

"So, umm, i'm supposed to pick Henry up today. And I was wondering if you wanted to go?" She asked.

I smiled. "Of course, I would love to go. Does Will know about us?"

"No. I haven't told him. But I will, today, I promise."

"No, Jayje, i'm not asking you to. I just wanted to know. I know the divorce was pretty messy. You don't have to tell him yet." I said putting my hand on hers.

"No, I want to." She said and winked while she walked away.


I was driving Emily and I to Will's house to pick up Henry. We were holding hands the whole way. I was nervous about telling Will about Emily. I didn't know how he would react. But I was sure, he wasn't going to be happy.

We stopped outside and got out. We walked to the front and I knocked on the door. I could smell cigarettes and booze. I groaned. I have told him millions of times before not to smoke or drink in front of Henry.

He opened up and he looked like hell. Holding a cigarette in his hand.

"Look who showed up." He said.

"Is Henry ready?" I asked.

"Yeah. Henry! Your mom's here!" He yelled. He turned and saw Emily. "Looks like you brought back up. You afraid of me now?"

"No. It's not like that. Emily and I are dating." I answered nervously.

He put down his cigarette and looked furious. "You left me for a fucking lesbian. That's just great."

"Hey! You don't talk about her that way!" I said raising my voice.

"No, Jayje it's fine." Said Emily.

"Jayje, wow. How cute." He mocked.

I saw Henry come down with his back pack smiling. "Mommy!"

Will put his hand in front of Henry, not allowing him to pass. "Sorry bud. Looks like your staying with me."

"What the hell are you talking about Will?" I yelled.

"My son is not going to go home with you Jennifer! There is no way i'm letting him around a couple of lesbians!"

Henry started crying. "Screw you. Come here Henry. Come to momma." I said grabbing his hand.

Will quickly grabbed my wrist tightly. It hurt. "Ow! Will your hurting me!"

"Let go of her!" Yelled Emily.

"How protective." He mocked.

Emily POV

I'd be damned if I was going to let Will hurt JJ. I punched him in the face and he let go of JJ. I quickly kicked him where it hurts most. He fell to the ground groaning.

"Henry, JJ! Go to the car!" I yelled.

They ran towards the car and got in.

I leaned down to Will. "Your right, I may be some lesbian, but a lesbian who knows how to fight. You ever, and I mean ever touch JJ or Henry like that ever again, I will end you. Got it?" I said before kicking him again.

I got in the car and JJ was in the back holding Henry. So I drove. I was afraid that Will would try to go attack JJ and take Henry at the house so I drove to my place.

We went up to my apartment and I let them in.

"Ok, just take a seat anywhere." I said locking the door behind me.

Henry ran to turn on the TV. The fight sort of just went away for him.

"Hey Henry, are you hungry?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Ok, how about pizza."


"Ok." I went into the kitchen and grabbed the phone. I ordered 2 large peperoni pizzas and a 2 litter bottle of coke.

JJ was looking at me while I ordered. I hung up and looked at her.

"What's with the look?" I asked.

"Today, you just jumped in and hit Will like nothing." She said.

"Well it wasn't nothing. He hurt you, and Henry was upset. I had to do something. And I knew he wasn't going to just let you go."

"But, you didn't have to that."

"Yes I did. I love you JJ." I said getting close to her.

I checked to see Henry didn't see and I kissed her passionately on the lips. She kissed me back and we were interrupted by a knock.

It was the pizza, I paid and we sat down to eat together while watching a movie. I had a spare room so they spent the night.

Henry didn't want to sleep alone so JJ stayed with him and around midnight I felt her climb into bed with me and put her arms around me. I got close to her and kissed her nose.

Both of us unaware of the problems that would soon arise.

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