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I was riding in the SUV with Morgan driving and Reid in the passenger seat. I was looking out the window trying to process everything that had happened.

Everything I ever believed was not true. Emily didn't leave, Will wasn't as good as I thought, and now my ex-husband is in surgery and I don't know if he is going to make it or not.

I was confused and freaking out on the inside, I needed answers. I felt the car stop and looked to see that we were at the hospital. I got out and sat down in the waiting room. Rossi had taken Henry back home so he could rest. Everything in my mind was racing. I heard voices and looked up to see that Hotch and Emily had walked in.

Emily and I locked eyes. She looked sorry. I wanted to get up and hug her, I wanted to kiss her so hard and hold her close. But, a little part of me was just so angry that she lied. She never left, and I still don't understand why she invented that story that she was moving to London. What was the point? Did she want attention? What the hell was going on?

"Can I have the room alone with Emily?" I asked, everyone turned to look at me and they nodded. One by one, everyone started piling out the room, leaving Emily and I alone together.

Emily POV

I was nervous about being alone with JJ, she looked angry and I knew she was going to want answers. But I knew telling her what Will did, who he was, would break her heart. I didn't want to hurt her anymore. I love JJ more than anything in the world and the last thing I wanted was for her to get hurt.

I sat down across from her and took a deep breath. We stared at each other and it felt like forever. The silence was deafening, but it also gave me more time to think of ways to tell her the truth. Hotch already knew about Will, I told him while we were on our way over.

"Why did you lie?" She asked bluntly.

"I had reasons."

"What reasons?"


"What reasons Emily? What reason could there possibly be for you to go out of your way, and make up such a story. You made everyone think that you were moving to London and starting a new life. You left me some crappy note and just left me alone. No explanation. No reason."

"JJ, I wanted to explain to you why I made up that story but that would have risked other people that I care about and I couldn't let that happen." I looked over at her and she sat quietly waiting for me to continue. "Remember a while back, 4 women with brunette hair in their 30's to 40's were murdered?"

She nodded. I took another deep breath. "And remember how when I got back to the precinct you were all worried, because you thought that the unsub had taken me as his next victim?"

She nodded again, slowly. "You were right, the unsub had taken me as his next victim, but what you didn't know was that, Will was the unsub. He was angry at me for taking you away from him. He took me away from the crime scene and tied me up. He threatened to kill me, I told him I'd do anything. He told me to leave DC, I didn't want to do it, but then he threatened to hurt Penelope. I couldn't let him hurt her, Penelope is so innocent and fragile. It killed me on the inside to know that he could possibly hurt her or any other woman because of me, so I took the deal. And that's why I made up this whole story about moving to London. And by the look on your face, I can tell your having trouble processing and believing this, but I swear to you it's all true. I told Rossi about my plan's and while on the ride over here I explained everything to Hotch."


I looked over at Emily with tears gleaming in my eyes. Will was behind all of this. He wanted Emily out of my life so badly that he took the lives of innocent victims and threatened me and my son. I began to understand why Emily did all of this, but there was still something bothering about all of this.

"Why didn't you trust me enough to tell me?" I asked.

She looked at me and her eyes saddened, "I couldn't tell you, he'd hurt you and I couldn't risk that."

"But you could have told me. We have put away some of the most dangerous men and women in the world, we could have done something. Instead you kept it to yourself and now there are families out there mourning the loss of their daughters and wives, having no justice. We had to leave the case, because there was no unsub. You let that happen."

"JJ no-"

"I want to be alone." I turned around and felt Emily leave the room. I sat down and let the tears fall down my face. Why can't anything be right?

Emily POV

I understood that JJ was mad at me and wanted space, but I love her so much. I wanted to be able to hold her and tell her that everything will be ok, but I can't.

I walked back to where the team was and Garcia came running to me with stained cheeks. "Oh pussycat, Hotch just told me what happened. You didn't have to do that for me."

"Penelope, we are family, I would do it again if I had to." She hugged me tight. After we both let go Morgan came over to hug me.

"Let it out." He whispered in my ear. And that was enough. I cried, for everything I put JJ through. She didn't deserve any of this. She was a good person. This love I have for her put others through so much pain. I can't handle it.


The doctor and I talked and told me that Will would be ok, but that he wanted to see me. I didn't know if I could handle that right now. I just shook my head and he left. I needed time to think, I needed to go home. Be with my son, and think.

I went to where everyone was at and I saw Emily wiping her face.

"I was just wondering, if one of you could drive me home. I want to be with my son." I said.

Reid volunteered and pulled out the keys to the SUV. I looked over at Emily but quickly looked away. I needed time alone to think. The ride home was silent. I was just so tired of everything.

Once we pulled up to my house I ran to the door. Rossi was sitting in the living room watching TV. He got up, "He's asleep in his room."

I nodded thanking him and went to Henry's room. He was asleep, like a little angel. How was I going to explain all of this to him? He loves his dad. I gave him a big kiss. Why did everything get so screwed up?

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