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Emily POV 

Things were going alright. JJ was still on desk duty which was driving her stir crazy but she was glad to be back at work. Melissa was doing great at school, still spending all the time in the world between me and Sara and Kara. JJ still had moments of jealousy whenever I went over to Sara's house to drop Melissa off, I just tried to remind her not to worry and that we were just friends. Henry seemed to really enjoy Melissa's company. 

JJ and I started making set dates so we could go out and it just be me and her without the kids. Penelope would babysit which she loved to do. She was always bringing over movies, snacks, and toys for the kids. Sometimes Hotch would come over and bring Jack and him and Garcia would watch the kids. 

It was Saturday and Melissa was excited because Kara was coming over to spend the night. Sara's  girlfriend was coming back from her business trip tonight and I had offered to take Kara so they could be alone. I had also invited JJ to bring Henry if they wanted to come over. The doorbell rang and it was JJ with Henry. 

"Hey you guys, come on in." I closed the door after they came in. "Melissa is in her room if you want to head over, Kara should be here soon." Henry ran towards Melissa's room.

"Careful, no running!" JJ called out. 

"Leave him, he's excited."

"No kidding, he's been talking about this all week."

"So has Melissa. These kids act like they don't see each other almost everyday."

JJ laughed and kissed me, "I brought wine."

"I knew I loved you." I kissed her back and took the wine. "I'll put it aside." The doorbell rang and JJ went to go get it.


I opened the door to see a giddy little girl who I presumed to be Kara and the same woman I saw outside the school not so long ago, who I knew to be Sara.

"Hi, um I'm Sara."

"JJ." I shook her hand. "And you must be Kara."

The little girl smiled. "Yeah, that's me."

I smiled and felt hands behind me. "Hey you guys, come in." Emily said. 

They both stepped in and before Kara took off Sara bent down and kissed her on the head, "Be good love. Listen to Emily and don't do anything I wouldn't have let you do."

Kara nodded and ran off to Melissa's room. Sara turned to Emily. "Thank you for this. I appreciate it."

"Are you kidding, after all the times you watched Melissa, this was long overdue. Plus I know how much you've been looking forward to seeing Allie."

She sighed, "Ugh, I've missed her so much. I hate when she goes away for long periods of time. You two are lucky, at least you two work together. I have to wait for her to come back, I don't think I'll ever get used to it."

I smiled and Emily winked at me. 

"Well, I should get going. Thank you for this, again."

"No worries." Emily hugged Sara and closed the door as she left.

Emily walked over to me and put her hands on my hips. "Oh baby, don't tell me you're jealous again."

I shook my head while I put my arms around her neck, "Not anymore. I saw the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her girlfriend. I think that was enough to show me that there was no way she could look at anybody else."

"Good. Because the way she talks about Allie is the way I feel about you."

I kissed her and then we heard laughing coming from Melissa's room. We walked over and saw them having a pillow fight. Emily and I laughed and walked back to the living room. 

As the day went on we ordered pizza and played hide and seek with the kids. We put on a movie but they all fell asleep from exhaustion. We decided to leave them sleeping on the couch because they looked so peaceful. 

Emily and I stood in the kitchen. We drank some wine. Emily looked over at Melissa and said, "She's one of the best things that has ever happened to me."

"You're the best thing that has ever happened to her." I kissed her, "You're one of the best things that has ever happened to me."

She smiled and kissed me back. 

"You know, hearing Sara talk about going all those weeks without seeing her partner made me realize the hell it was being without you. I don't understand how she does it. And you're here, not even half an hour away from me but it still kills me some nights. I still feel like you're so far away." I brought her closer to me. "I don't want to spend another night away from you. I want us to be together every night."

"But Jayje we've tried that, it's hard for me spend every night or you to come over every night. The kids are the one's that end up being moved around every other night and as much as I love spending the night with you and waking up with you in the morning, it's tough."

"I'm not saying I want one of us to switch off every other day. I'm saying, I want you to move in with me. You and Melissa, with me and Henry. I hate being apart from you even for the few hours in the night. Henry loves Melissa, and Melissa loves Henry. He was telling me the other night how much he likes to have her around because it makes him feel like he has a sibling. It was the one thing I couldn't give him when Will and I were together. We tried but nothing ever came from it. "

Emily looked at me, "Are you serious?"


She smiled and kissed me again. "I need to talk to my partner in crime over there but I think that can be arranged."

I grinned and kissed her. "Good."

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