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I was still surprised by what happened between Morgan and I yesterday. I had no idea he had these feelings for me. But I loved Emily I just didn't want to hurt Derek, he was such a great guy.

I got out of my car and had the urge to turn around. So I did and I saw Emily in her car. I was surprised, I thought she wasn't going to come back for another couple days. Then I saw a guy in the car with her. They were talking then she leaned in to him, putting her head on his shoulder. He hugged her, and kissed her forehead. I recognized him, his name was Mark. He was an ADA here in DC.

What the hell is going on? What about her sick friend? Was this all a lie? A joke? Was I a joke to her? Did she even care about me? She has been playing me this whole time. I thought she loved me?

Well, I know someone who does love me. Derek Morgan.

Emily POV

I was sitting in my car with Mark, I was going to sneak him into the BAU. I was going to distract Garcia while he snuck in, found Andrew, and got out.

I hated tricking them this way. It wasn't right.

"What are you thinking about?" Asked Mark.

"How stupid I was to ever have gotten associated with Ryan. I practically made a deal with the devil. I gave him my life." I said.

"Your not the only one."

I looked at him and closed my eyes. "I am betraying my team, the people I practically live with."

"You really love her, don't you?"

"Who? JJ? Yeah, she's the most beautiful, amazing person any one can ever meet. She fills me with so much joy. Her blonde hair and bright blue eyes."

"Alright relax, I don't want you getting to excited."

I smiled and laughed.

"Come here." He said.

I went and put my head on his shoulder. He kissed me and I smiled.

"Well, I should go inside. I'll text you when it's clear for you to come in."

"Yes Ma'am."

I smiled and got out.


I went to the bullpen, Morgan was next to Reid. Garcia was listening to their conversation. Rossi was drinking coffee by the desks. I ran over to Morgan, and grabbed his collar and pressed my lips onto his.

He kissed me back and deepened the kiss.

Rossi POV

What the hell? I though Emily fixed things with JJ. Now her and Morgan are together? They let go of each other and everyone was speechless.

"That's right everyone. It's me and Morgan." Said JJ.

Derek looked surprised but smiled. Oh crap, Emily was walking in.

Emily POV

I walked in and Rossi was looking at me with concern.

"Morning everyone." I said, Hotch came out of his office.

"I thought you took some time off." Said Hotch.

"I did, but my friend's mom came over and took total control. So I decided to come back." I said.

I noticed JJ and Morgan holding hands.

"Emily guess what? JJ and my baby boy are dating!" Exclaimed Penelope.

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