Finding Out

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Emily POV

When we landed everyone went straight to there cars and went home. I went to do some paperwork and no one was there. I checked Garcia's office and it was clear. This was as good a time as any right?

I called Mark and told me to hurry and get here. He showed up in 15 minutes and got to work. He entered Andrew's name, and then a couple aliases.

"We got him." He said. I leaned over the computer.


"He was using a fake name, Charles Patterson."

"How did you find him?"

"He bought an abandoned building in Laurel, Maryland. It's called Forest Haven." He showed me pictures.

"It's big enough and far away enough from Quantico. He was smart enough to go far away so we wouldn't be able to find him."


"Alright, shut down the computers. I don't want Penelope knowing anyone was touching her things."

He shut down the computers and we stepped outside. We talked for a bit and went to pick up Ryan.

The Next Day

Garcia POV

I was holding my laptop and speed walking towards the round table. My heels were clicking on the floor, I was so irritated. Someone was using my software. I called the team into the round table.

"What's wrong baby girl?" Asked Morgan.

Everyone was looking at me in confusion, well everyone except Emily. She hadn't come to work yet.

"Oh Chocolate Thunder, I have a big problem." I said.

"Garcia, what is it?" Asked Hotch.

"Well boss man, someone went into my computer and used my software last night."

"Are you sure?" Asked JJ.

"100%. I have this code inscripted in, and it let's me know if someone other than me has used the software." I said putting my laptop on the table.

"Do you know who used it?" Asked boy genius, Dr. Reid.

"No." I said.

"Have you checked security tapes?" Asked Rossi.

"I don't have any in my office." I said.

"What about outside of your office?" Asked JJ

"I didn't- no."

"Then check them."


I typed a couple things in and got the footage from last night. I sped up the tape until I saw someone I recognized, Emily.

"Is that Emily?" Asked Morgan.


My eyes widened. What the hell was Emily doing in Penelope's office? And a better question is, where the hell is Emily now?

We saw another figure appear. It was Mark. "That's the attorney Emily is dating. Mark Ramsey." I said.

"Garcia, can you put the volume up?" Asked Rossi.

She did and we heard them.

"Ok, your going to get the information, then get out. Ok? I don't want anybody to see us, or you." Said Emily sternly.

"Right away." Said Mark as he walked into Penelope's office. Emily followed and shut the door.

"What's Emily doing?" Asked Penelope.

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