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Emily POV

I walked into the BAU holding two coffees in my hand. I passed by JJ's desk and gave her one. I winked and she smiled.

"Hey Princess, where's my coffee?" Asked Morgan jokingly.

I smiled and went to filing paperwork. After a while my neck started hurting and Morgan came up from behind me and started rubbing my shoulders.

"See i'm still being nice to you after you didn't bring me my coffee." He said smiling.

"Haha, fine, i'll bring you one next time."

"Why so tense Princess?"

"I don't know."

"Maybe because your keeping something from me." He said raising his eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" I asked nervously. Did he know about me and JJ?

"I'm messing with you." He said laughing.

I hit his shoulder. "Funny guy."


I saw the way Emily and Morgan played around. It made me jealous. How come she didn't act that way around me. Why? Because she's probably embarrassed that were seeing each other. She's probably so ashamed of the fact that she's screwing me and not someone like Derek Morgan.

I got up and went to the bathroom. Why was I so frustrated with Morgan? He doesn't know what's going on.

The door opened and Emily walked in. "Hey, are you ok?"

"Just Peachy." I said looking away.

"Jayje, what's going on?"

"You and Morgan! Your all over him!" I yelled.

"JJ, since when do you mind the relationship I have with Morgan? We have played around that way since day one."

"Well I don't like it anymore. And I want you to stop."

"JJ, are you jealous?"

"No." I said turning away.

She got closer to me and turned my face towards hers. "Aww my JJ is jealous. Who knew. Don't worry baby. I love you." She kissed me slowly pushing me against the sink. I started feeling wet.

"Ok, if you love me. Let's tell the team."

She stopped kissing me and looked at me. "We can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not ready."

"Oh but your ready to about fuck me in the bathroom every time were alone. Is this all a joke to you?"

"No. JJ I love you, I'm just not ready."

"Yeah, your not ready for what? The humiliation, the jokes, what people will say."

"Yes and some more. JJ we can't work together if were dating."

"Then I'll leave, but I want them to know."

"I said I'm not ready, respect my decision. Please."

"And you respect my request. If you love me you'll do this."

Emily POV

JJ had no idea, I loved her more than she knew. I just wasn't ready to tell the team. I wanted there approval. I just wanted to wait and make sure they were ok with this. Plus, there was still something JJ didn't know. And I don't know his she'd react. Would she freak?

"JJ you know I love you. Just give me some time. Us some time."

"I'm sorry Emily. Either we tell the team right now, or were done."

"What? JJ no. I love you. Please."

"Let's tell the team."

"JJ, I'm not ready."

"Fine. Were done."

"No JJ please." I begged. I grabbed onto her hand and brought her close to me. Pressing her lips onto mine.

"I love you Emily. But I have not time for games."

She left me alone in the bathroom while I cried to myself. Right when I was starting to do better, JJ leaves me. This is why I don't trust people. This is why I push people away. Because once things go good, they go wrong. JJ was helping me in more ways than she knew. And I just lost my rock.

I walked outside and ignored eye contact with JJ. I spoke to Reid for a while and left as soon as I finished work.

I went home and fell to the ground. I felt cold and empty. JJ made me complete. And now just like always, I put my trust in someone and they let me down again. I can't do this anymore. I don't know how much longer I can take this.


I felt terrible for the way I treated Emily. I wanted to talk to her again. But she left quickly. I really messed up now.

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