New Start

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Emily POV 

I was trying to catch my breath and laughed seeing JJ looking completely exhausted. I moved over to her on the bed and kissed up her back. I kissed her shoulder and her cheek. I rubbed her back while I held her for a while. She closed her eyes and kept her head on my chest. 

"What are you thinking about?" She asked me.

"You, us. How happy I am to be here with you."

She smiled and kissed me. "I'm happy to be here with you too. I missed you so much."

I looked over at the time. "I have to leave soon to go pick Melissa up."

"I have to go pick up Henry. What if we went together?"

"Are you sure?"

She nodded, "I want to meet her, really meet her. Plus Henry wants to meet her too."

"Okay." I kissed her and we go up to get ready. We showered together and picked Henry up first, he got out a little earlier than Melissa did. 

"Hey mom, hey Em." He said getting into the car.

"Hey buddy." I answered back.

"Hey Henry, do you remember how you said you wanted to meet Melissa?" JJ asked.

"Am I going to meet her today?"

I nodded, "I'm going to get out and go get her and talk to her for a bit and then I'll bring her over. She's a little shy so I just have to explain to her what's going on."

"Okay, cool."

When we got to Melissa's school I parked the car and went out to wait for her to come out. While I waited I felt a hand on my back. I turned to see Sara. "Hey." I smiled.

"Hey." She hugged me and we talked for a bit. "How is everything?"

"JJ is in the car with Henry."

She smiled, "So everything is working out?"

"God I hope so. I want them to meet Melissa. I hope everything goes okay."

"Everything will be fine. You worry too much."

"You've mentioned." 

Kids started coming out and I spotted Melissa and Kara coming out. They both said hi to us. "Is Melissa coming over today?" Kara asked.

"Not today baby." Sara answered. 

"Yeah, I was hoping to introduce you to someone today Mel." I said.

"Okay." She nodded.

We said goodbye to Sara and Kara and I held Melissa's hand. We stopped before we got to the car and I bent down. "Okay, you know how Kara was telling you that Sara has somebody, like somebody she really cares about that lives with them?"

"Sara's girlfriend."

"Yeah. Well, I also have somebody that I care about and she's in the car."

She nodded in understanding. 

"She also has a son, he's a little older than you and I thought that it would be a good idea to introduce you to them. If that's something you're okay with."

"I think that's okay."

I nodded. We walked to the car and JJ had stepped out with Henry. 

"Okay, Melissa. This is Jeniffer, or you can call her JJ. And this is her son Henry."

She looked at JJ and looked back at me. "I remember you. You work with Emily."

JJ nodded, "I do. We only met briefly."

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