Forgiveness is a Powerful Thing

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I woke up with puffy eyes. I was exhausted. Mentally and physically. I checked the time, it was 6:45. I wanted to continue to sleep but I knew Henry would wake up soon so I got up to take a shower.

I let the heat of the water run down my body. My head was still spinning, all these thoughts, all these problems. I don't know how much more of this I could actually take anymore.

After steeping out of the shower and getting ready I went to go check on Henry. He was asleep hugging a teddy bear. I slightly smiled and carefully closed the door. I walked towards the kitchen to start brewing some coffee.

Every little thing I did seemed to be like some difficult task. Everything suddenly just got so hard. Will and I may have not gotten along after the divorce, but I did admire him for being a good father. He loved Henry more than anything. The things they did together would bring me so much joy. Now it seems like it all just went to waste.

I heard a knock on the door and went to go get it. It was Rossi.

"Morning JJ." He said holding a bag of muffins and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning." I replied letting him in.

I took the bag from him and put it on the counter. I made him a coffee and we sat down together.

"How are you holding on?" He asked.

"This is so hard. I just can't-" My eyes began to water.

"I get how hard this must be for you right now. But you are a strong woman JJ, you will pull through."

"But how do I tell Henry about his father? I don't even know where to begin."

"It will be tough. But only you know how to tell him in a way that won't tear down the image he had of his father. He may be have lost his way, but Will did love Henry."

"I know. It's just all so hard right now."

"I get it. But I need to ask, what are you going to do about Emily?"

I took a deep breath. "That is another issue that I have no idea how to solve. I mean I guess she did the right thing but, she didn't tell me. She should have told me. It was my right. Instead she kept it from me and made up this whole story."

"But don't forget that she wasn't only thinking about just you. She also had to put in consideration Henry and Penelope. She played the cards she was dealt and did the best she could for all of you not to get hurt."

I looked up at him. I knew he was right, but it seemed like every time Emily and I try to be happy something just gets in the way of that and I feel like we will never be happy. "I realize that she risked a lot. But she could have told me. It feels like I could never trust anyone or be happy again."

He grabbed my hands and looked at me, "JJ, you have all of this pain and hurt in your heart and you have to let it go. You have to learn how to forgive. Forgive Will for all the pain he has caused you and your son. Forgive Emily for not telling you the truth, for making a decision without telling you and causing you heartbreak. JJ forgiveness is a very powerful thing, and you have to accept that you can't change what happened. None of this is your fault. You can't control fate. Whatever you think you could have changed, you couldn't have."

My eyes began to water even more and the tears came falling down. Rossi was right. He got up and gave me a hug. We talked some more and then Henry came down.

"Morning mommy. Good morning uncle Dave." He said cheerfully.

"Morning kid." Answered Rossi.

"Good morning sweetheart." I gave a kiss on the top of his head.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." He said.

I was about to get up when Rossi spoke for me, "Then I'll make you some breakfast. What do you want to eat kiddo?"


"Pancakes it is. And I also brought some muffins for later." He said winking at him. I smiled.

"Mommy, when can I see daddy again? I miss him a lot." He said looking at me. I turned to look at Rossi.

He gave a slight smile and turned around to put the pancake mix on the pan.

"Listen sweety, I know you miss your dad. Its just, some things have come up and its made things a little harder. I will try to get you to see your dad soon but I need you to be a little patient with me. Can you do that?" I asked.


"Good, thank you. I love you, you know that right?"

"Yeah, I love you to mommy."

"Alright breakfast is served!" Said Rossi coming with a plate stacked with pancakes.

I was actually starving. We all dug in. It was amazing.

After breakfast Henry went upstairs to go play. Rossi washed the dishes and I dried.

"You did good. Telling him. You kept it on the down low. It was smart." He said.

"I panicked." I answered.

"Still-" Suddenly the door bell rang.

"I got it." He said. He went to open the door. I heard footsteps.

I turned to see who it was. "Emily."

Hey guys, I know I take forever to update its just school is stressing me out. But I'm trying. I'll try to update really soon. And I started another story, its a Blossi fanfic. Could you guys go check it out and let me know what you think? Its called Blossi (A New Start). Thanks.

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