Truth Hurts

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: (Okay, so I am going to be 100% honest and say how unexpected it was to receive so many messages from people asking me to continue this story. I stopped writing years ago and I kind of forgot about the story until a numerous amount of messages kept coming out asking me to update. I don't know if it's because of quarantine and everyone just needs a distraction but I'm ready to fulfill that request. So I can't be sure how often I will update but I will try. Thank you for all the reads, comments, and votes. I truly appreciate it.)


I woke up with arms wrapped around my waist and the soft breathing of someone behind me. I smiled knowing who's body was so tightly pressed against mine and softly turned around to face the woman I loved. I smiled as I analyzed Emily sleeping and softly caressed her face. She had this habit of having her nose scrunched up while she slept which I found to be absolutely adorable. I gave her a quick kiss on her head and got up from the bed, leaving her to sleep in some more. After everything the two of us had gone through, especially her, she deserved to rest.

I walked out of my bedroom and down the hallway to Henry's. I stood at his doorway just looking at my beautiful boy who seemed to have grown over night. I still remember him being so small with his long beautiful blonde hair and it seems as though he keeps growing in a matter of seconds. My mind started wandering to the events of the last couple of days and the things Will had done to get me back and how far he went to do it. It breaks my heart to think that I would have to destroy this amazing image that Henry has of his father by telling him the things he had done. 

There was a time in which Will was the ideal father and husband. I can never fully comprehend where the switch happened. How he went from being kind and loving to mean and hateful. How he could go so far and do so much damage just to get Emily away from me. I walked down to the kitchen and got a cup of coffee ready. While I waited for the water to heat up those same arms I felt earlier in bed embraced me from behind. I let my worried thoughts disappear for a moment while I turned around and kissed my girl. 

"Mmm, good morning." I said while humming into the kiss.

"It is now." Emily replied while holding me close to her. "Are you okay, you seem distracted?"

"Do I?" I asked.

"Uh yeah, I had been standing here behind you for a while and you didn't even notice. Talk to me, what's going through that beautiful brain of yours?" She asked while putting a strand of my hair behind my ear. 

I sighed and looked into her eyes, "I'm nervous Em. I don't know how to tell Henry about his dad or how to deal with any of this. You know, we work on hundreds of cases and we go home at the end of the day and leave those families to pick up the pieces. We aren't the ones who suffer the repercussions, we have no idea what it is like for them. Now, I'm a wife, or ex-wife of an unsubs and I don't know how to mend those broken pieces. There's not a textbook on this."

"You're right there is no textbook on how to deal with the consequences of someone's actions when they do these horrible things. But there also isn't a textbook on how to be a great parent and you are amazing at that. And I know this is hard, but I'm here. You aren't alone. I will always be here and we will push through this together." She said while kissing my hands. 

I smiled at her again and then my smile quickly faded as I realized something else, "Will wants to see me. He keeps asking. What should I do?"

Emily sighed and looked down for a moment. "Look, I personally don't love the idea of it, but if you think you need it, to go see him for some type of closure, then I'm not going to stand in your way."

I kissed Emily and held her face in my hands, "How did I get so lucky?"

She shook her head and smiled, "No. I'm the lucky one. I love you Jayje." 

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