Remembering Him

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*Arianas POV*
It's been a whole year since my grandpa died and I'm really feeling it. I can't even bring a smile to my face because I'm so sad. Me and Frankie look at pictures of him and us and nonna. I swear I cried enough tears to see my own reflection in them. I can't deny I really miss him.  It's a very sad day for the grande family. Everyone cries. I miss him a lot but there is many good things to remember him by that still exist. His clinic in Africa, and everything else good he's ever done in the world. I love him so much.
RIP Grandpa Grande

*Seans POV*
I finished up a show and headed straight to a house party, where I headed straight for th bar, and as usual had too many drinks. I'm living the life I've dreamed but it's playing a toll on my body. I'm a wreck but I'm too drunk to care. I've been drinking a lot lately and I think I'm going off the rails. Ariana dumped me hard, it might take me years to recover.

*1 month earlier*

When I saw what Ariana and Ricky did on the news I thought about how I dodged a bullet. Then I became jealous. I fucking hate that Ricky guy, it's not fair that he gets to kiss my girl. On the outside I pretend like I don't give a fuck about the break up, and that I don't even care about her anymore but the truth is I do. I really fucking miss her. I think us being apart is causing us both to make stupid mistakes. Hence her dating Ricky, I'm sure she's doing it to make me jelous so I'll come running back to her. She's wrong. The best way to get over someone old is to get under someone new. But Ariana is making a big mistake. If we learned anything from Brittany spears its that dating backup dancers never works.

*back to present day*

*Arianas POV*
My friends decided it would be good for us all to go out as a family. Just to all be together and remember gramps. The dancers, my friends and all my family came together to embrace gramps life. He was loved by so many :) I looked through old photos of me and gramps and Frankie. We have many great things to remember him by though. His clinic and his charity work, everything he's done for us. Let's just say we'll never forget him, ever.

My phone rang and I got up from the table, I walked out the restaurant and answered. I didn't look at the caller ID because I assumed it was my manager since everyone else I know was with me tonight. I was wrong.

A "Hello?"
S "Ariana? You answered"
A "Sean? What do you want now"
S "I miss you"
A "I have a boyfriend"
S "he's just a challenge, you know you love me"
A "Sean your drunk"
S "your not denying it"
A "were over! What part of that don't you understand?"
S "don't say that"
A "stop calling me"
S "c'mon baby don't play me like that"
A "you lost the right to call me baby when we broke up, why can't you just fucking get over me!?"
S "is he good?"
A "what?"
S "Ricky, is he good in bed? I mean he had a lot to live up to after me"
A "goodbye Sean"
S "why you always gotta be such a bitch"
A "excuse me?"
S "shu-"
A "no! You don't get to talk. You don't ever get to call me drunk or sober again. We are not in a relationship! And how could you do this to me again? Especially today!!"
Tears stung my eyes
S "pshh what's to special about today?"
A "it's July 22nd"
S "so?"
A "it's the anniversary of my grandfathers death"
S "Ari I'm so sor-"
*hangs up*

I dried my eyes and walked back inside. Today is about grandpa, I'm not going to let Sean ruin it.

*Seans POV*
I fucked up. I already knew I had no chance with Ariana but I never wanted her to hate me. Fuck! Why do I always get drunk and hurt people? I'm such a mess....

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