In My Mind Im Honest

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Ariana's POV
Everyone stared at me in shock for a moment. Then they broke out in laughter. They must of seen the look on my cause because Alexa said
"Honey, are you sure? I mean you kinda screw boys like a dirty hooker"
Everyone just kept laughing so I ran out the room. Frankie chased after me.
"I know know that probably wasn't the reaction you wanted but everyone's just shocked, you know we all accept you Ariana"
"Thanks Frankie"
"C'mon let's go back"

"What's bisexual?" Asks Nona
"I like boys and girls Nona"
"Oh. That's new"
"Your only gay!? I thought you were dying or something" says Brian
"Bisexual, and no I'm fine"
"Why isn't Ricky here?" Asks moma
"I'm not ready to tell him yet" I reply
"You better tell him before someone tells him first"
"Yeah Ari, tell him and then you need to tell your fans"
"I promise I will I just need time, What if he doesn't accept me?"
"Listen baby, if he really loves you he will except you not matter what, and if he doesn't accept you you need to kick him to the curb because no man deserves to date you unless he's in it for the whole you"
"Thanks mom"
"No problem honey"
"I love you guys so much."

After more talking everyone seemed to understand and accept me. They all apologized for laughing and they promised me they supported me. I better call Ricky

*ring* he picked up during the first ring
R "hey baby!"
A "hey noodle, I need to talk to you"
R "I need to see you too"
A "okay"
R "meet me at sunrise hotel"
A "why a hotel?"
R "you'll understand soon"
*hangs up*

That was weird... I wonder why he wants me at a hotel? I mean I have my own mansion if he was worried about privacy? Oh man my anxiety is getting the best of me. I'm sure it's nothing maybe a romantic dinner or something. I trust him. I better get going, traffic is about to get bad

*rickys POV*
Every things all set up for the proposal. As soon as Ariana gets here I'm going to ask her to marry me. I can't wait. Actually that's a lie. I have no idea why I'm doing this (aside from the face that I love Ariana) maybe all this is too soon. I'm wondering if I'm doing this to win a battle against Sean. Oh god what If it's too soon!? We've only been together a year what if she doesn't wanna marry me! No, I can't think like that! I love Ariana to death and she loves me too. She's going to say yes and we're going to live happily every after. And big Sean can suck it because I have Ariana. Forever. I have the ring and I have everything set up in our hotel room. I'll have her alone with no one else around she's destined to say yes! I booked the most romantic room they have so after were engaged I can make the moves.

I'm so smart. I have Ariana, I have fame, I have money, I have friends, I have a career. Ariana is the best thing that every happened to me. What would I do without her. I'm gonna be honest here, don't tell Ariana any of this but I'm sort of using her. I think I brought this up in the past but I just wanna put it all out here. I know I keep saying "I love Ariana" but honestly I only love the perks of dating her. I get paid by her agency to dance for her. Her fans are all over me bringing me my own fame. All her friends and family are my friends and family and the sex is mind blowing. I could honestly care less about Ariana as a person and honestly that whore annoys the fuck out of me sometimes. But at least I got a dangerous woman whose willing to get on her knees for me. My life is loaded. And now I'm going to marry her to ensure that that never changes. Little does Ariana know I'm not the man she thinks I am.

*seans pov*
I need to ask Ariana as soon as possible to ensure she chooses me. I've been keeping tabs on Ariana and Ricky all month trying to figure out when she'll be alone. Now I know what your thinking. "Sean that's creepy" no actually it's genius. That way no one can get in the way of my plans. I had some guy track her phone and I saw a text with an address to a hotel. I assume it's part of a signing so she's be alone in her room. Being a celebrity will get me some perks and as soon as I figure out which room she's in I can make my moves. Now I just need to figure out what my move is... I mean I have the ring (the promise ring) i just need to plan something big.

That's how I won her over in the past. Proms, dates, dinners, songs (oh wait that didn't work out) gifts, camp outs (shit that didn't work either) okay okay I know some of my past dates have been flawed but hey, until I fucked it all up I had the girl.

And soon I'll have her again. I've cleaned up my act and I have a lot going for me. We both have new music coming out but neither of us are on your anymore so we will have more time together and this time I promise not to go on tour if she's on tour. And I'll make sure to spend as much time as possible with her. I'll make her the centre of my world and everything will be different. Better I mean. I won't let her down! If I make sure to tell her all this tonight it will ensure that I have her forever. She trusts me. I mean she needs to trust that I will never disrespect her again. I know I play a hard guy on the outside but I'm a sweet guy on the inside and she knows that. Personally I blame the press for our last breakup. Maybe we can keep in more private this time. Hell maybe we could be a secret. Whatever we do as long as I have her I know I'll be alright. Ha be alright. Hey, maybe the new music on her album is about me...

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