Pick Me, Choose Me, Love Me

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*Seans POV*
Ari and I finish out movie. It's 12:37 now and we're both tired. She's already falling asleep in my arms. I don't mind though, she's warm and soft and still smells like the Chanel perfume I remember from when we used to date. I love her.

"Can we talk about us?"

"We've been apart a whole year and that's given me time to recover and change. Over the past months I've been thinking about us and I know now what I could do to be better to you, I promise you I'm different now"

"Sean, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying I still love you. And when your ready I would like you to consider us getting back together. I know you need time to heal from today but I promise if you take me back everything will be different, I promise I'll treat you right this time."

"I don't know"
"C'mon Ariana. Please choose me"
"I think deep down I still love you too Sean but I need time, and what about Ricky?"
"When you're ready, dump him"

"But Sean.. I love him"
"But does he love you back?"

"I'll think it over but no promises. It's hard to pick between you and Ricky"

"I don't want to pressure you in any way. Take your time, I'll always be here for you Ariana. I love you"

"I love you too"

Our lips almost touch but she pulls away and snuggles back into the covers. We both close our eyes and hold each other close.

"Goodnight moonlight"

*Rickys POV*
It's 1:07am and I'm standing outside Ariana's house. I don't know what I'm going to walk into. Probably Ariana and Sean going at it like dogs. I should of brought my gun. Sean ruined everything! I brought the ring with me just in case. I'm not going to let Sean come between me and Ariana ever again, even if that means I have to kill him. I put my key into the lock and open the door. Whatever happens I know it's not going to be pretty. I step inside and bang my fist against the wall. The whole house is dark and quiet. I head towards the stairs and see a light on in Ariana's Room. I clench my fist and spit on the floor. I turn around and head for the kitchen. I grab a bottle of beer and start chugging. I head back towards the stairs and go up step by step.

"dirty bitch" I mumble under my breath as I take a loud step up the stairs

*Seans POV*
I was about to nod off with Ariana in my arms when I heard a noise downstairs. I assumed it was one of her dogs but when I looked around the room all of them where here. I hear the noise again and begin to panic. Did I leave the door open? No I remember locking it before running to Ariana. It's 1am? Who would be... OH GOD. I let go of Ariana and I sit up in the bed quickly, I look at the doorway. I hear footsteps down the hall. Ariana wakes up. She must of seen the horror in my eyes because she sat up quickly too and grabbed my hand right. I see a shadow walking towards us. The dogs bark and Ariana shakes in my arms. The shadow moves closer and we both see his face.

*Rickys POV*
I walk toward Ariana's room, my head pounding and my fists filled with rage. I finally get to the door and what do I see? Fucking Sean holding Ariana.

"You motherfucker"

"Ricky it's not what it looks like I swear!"

"Oh really? Because it looks like your cheating on me Ariana!"

"Ricky I swear Sean is only here to help me!"

"Help what? Pleasure you!?"

"No! I-"


*Ariana's POV*
I hold onto Sean, my voice quivering as I fight with Ricky.

"Ricky don't you dare call me that"

"Oh I'm sorry you prefer being called a dirty girl, isn't that right?"

"Ricky stop"

"I mean i would know, I'm the one boning you! Haha"

"Ricky are you drunk?"

"As a skunk"

"Get out out my house!"

"I have one question first"

*Rickys Pov*
I get down on one knee, stumbling a bit. I look up at Ariana whose crying.

"Ricky don't do this, please"

"Ariana Grande Butera. Will you"

"Stop please"

"Will you do me the honour of choosing me over Sean and marrying me"

I stare into her eyes

*Seans POV*
I look down at Ricky then I look back at Ariana.

"Ariana don't do this, please choose me"

"Fuck off Sean I'm gonna marry her"

*Ariana's POV*
I look at both of them. I feel my anxiety going crazy and my heart is pounding. Here I am in bed with no makeup on crying with my ex and my boyfriend on the floor. Both of them asking me to choose them. I know I need to follow my heart.

"But I love both of you"


"Give me time!"

I stand up and walk over to my dogs, who have been barking and growling like crazy the whole time. I explain to Ricky and Sean that I need time to think it all over. I need to time to compare relationships. I need to do what my heart says but right now my heart is beating so fast it might burst out of my chest. I need to rest. It's fucking 2am.

"Ricky, go sleep on the couch in the den"
"Sean go sleep in the guest bedroom"

"I'll talk to you in the morning, right now I need to calm down and make my decision"

I walk over to Ricky as kiss him, then I walk over to Sean and kiss him too. They both walk out the room. I get back into my bed and close my eyes. I can't sleep because my thoughts are racing...

*seans pov*
I walk out the room with Ricky right behind me"

"She's going to choose me" he says

"We'll see.. We'll see..."

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