The End Of Honeymoon

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Ariana's POV:
Last night was the last performance of the honeymoon tour. I've been on tour for almost 2 years now and it's crazy to think that it's come to an end. I, not saying I'll never go on tour again but this is the end of Honeymoon. It's so crazy to think about this past year and think about everything that happened. I went on a world tour. My grandfather died. I broke up with Sean. I found Ricky. I licked a donut (not one of my proudest moments) finished my tour. I made a Perfume and I made history. I'm so proud of myself and I know there are parts of my history I wish I could erase or improve on but overall I had a pretty good year! Since the tour is over I'm excited to go home and spend time with my family and my dogs (even Fawkes) . Me and my mom haven't been in a good spot lately since she's realizing I'm leaving the nest more and becoming more than her goodie little daughter.  Frankie's career has been taking off too, life is good. Bring it on 2016, I'm ready!

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