I'm a Dangerous Woman

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*Ariana's POV*
Hey babies! Sorry I've been afk for so long but don't worry I'm back and I have some exciting news! While I was gone I came out with my own makeup line with MAC cosmetics! My song focus came out along with the music video and it already has over 100 million views! Oh my goodness! My brother made a matching perfume with mine, I did some performing, I've been writing songs like crazy, and for the most exciting news of all... I FINISHED MY ALBUM! I'm so so excited to share it with you babes, I've been writing for months and months trying to get it done and now it finally is and I plan and sharing it with you guys soon. The title of my album was going to be moonlight but I decided since being a feminist is such a big part of my life I wanted to call it "Dangerous Woman" and here's a list of a few of the song titles (confirmed and rumoured)

Dangerous Woman (Obvi)
Be alright

And even better I'll be performing a few of those songs on March 12th on SNL! I'm so so excited and I can't wait for my honey babies to hear all the new music.

Things with me and Sean have been in a weird place since the accident a few month ago, I, still Ricky which I mean makes me really happy but I can't help but wonder where I would be if I was still with Sean. Sometimes I find myself missing him.. Like a lot. I know it's too late for us but my heart still has hope. And I feel like the longer I hold onto my feelings for Sean the longer it's gonna take for me and Ricky to actually but a perfect thing. I mean Ricky is amazing and he makes me so so happy but he hasn't exactly done anything for my career and compared to Sean on dates and gifts the sweetest thing Ricky has done for me so far is build me a house recording studio which I love but you know what I mean. I girl likes to feel good and Ricky doesn't always give me that. In 2 months it will mark the 1 year anniversary of me and Sean breaking up. I can't believe it's almost been a year! I have a plan, in 2 months I'll make my choice, I'll choose who I wanna be with forever.

*Seans POV*
I'm slowly moving on. We've been broken up for almost a year and it took me a long time to even think about anyone but her. I hate the way it ended and I couldn't stop thinking about how I could of made it better or tried harder. But it's too late for that now. She's obviously over me and I see her happy with Ricky. And I mean how could she ever forgive me for what I did at that concert. But I hate to say it, I fucking miss her. I still have all the stuff she gave me, and the stuff she left at my house locked away somewhere. I'm afraid to get to rid of it because I'm afraid it might make me realize that it's over. I mean obviously it is, it's been over for 10 months. I wish I hadn't fucked it up with her, I wish I could go back and be the man she wanted me to be. I love her. And I'll probably never stop loving her but she's moved on and so should I. There's only 2 months left until it will mark 1 year of us being apart. Until it's been a whole year since I last kissed her I'm not letting her go. She has 2 months to love me again before I completely let her go forever. I hope she realizes who she loves before it's too late. But I have a plan. I don't wanna let her go without putting up a fight first, in 2 months I'm going to ask her to get back with me. I'm praying she will say yes because I don't wanna live another minute without her, I don't think I can. 2 months... 2 months..

*Rickys POV*
I need to get something off my chest. I realized that I only started dating Ariana for the fame and in the beginning I didn't even love her, hell a few months ago I wanted to break up with her, but the longer I stay with her the more I realize how much I love her. I know we haven't even been together 7 months yet but I wanna be with her forever. So in 2 months I have a plan. I'm going to ask her to marry me.

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