Rescue Operation Underway

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3rd person's pov

The weather in the snow globe had gotten seemingly worse as the hours passed by, Elizabeth and Hoseok were currently standing on a small hill that overlooked a small town. "This is insane... How can the weather in a snowglobe become this bad?" Elizabeth questioned, shaking from the cold. "I don't know.. This guy is something else. We should look for shelter." Hoseok used his magic, warming up his hands and grabbed Elizabeth's. She let out a soft sigh of relief from the warmth, looking around the area they were in. All she could see were trees and snow, Hoseok on the other hand was able to spot a small town just down the cliff. "Elizabeth, there's a town down there. I don't know if we'll be able to get into any of the buildings down there but it's worth a try." Hoseok suggested, Elizabeth followed his line of vision and sighed in relief at the sight of buildings. "I can get us down there but landing might be a little rough. The wind current is pretty strong." Hoseok said, "Alright," Elizabeth nodded, she wrapped her arms around Hoseok's neck as his wings appeared and ruffled slightly. Hoseok took a deep breath, looking down at the town and held Elizabeth by the waist. Without saying anything else, he flapped his wings and took off into the air. He was right about it being rough, the winds were strong and resilient but Hoseok pushed on and flew down towards the town. When they landed, Elizabeth let out a sigh of relief and smiled at Hoseok as she let go of him. Hoseok got a strange feeling as they walked towards the town, there was a row of houses and shops. The town center seemed to be teeming with people, there were beautiful string light hung up on the trees and lamp posts. While Elizabeth stared in awe and excitement, Hoseok seemed even more on edge. The people walking around the town square took notice of the two, one of them noticing Hoseok's angel wings. "Wow, this place is lively... Are these people real?" Elizabeth whispered to Hoseok, "I think so.. But I can't be sure. I can't feel their auras, that could only be a result of the mage who trapped us in here. But that wouldn't make sense because I was able to use my wings and if magic couldn't be used here, I wouldn't have been able to fly or warm your hands." Hoseok looked around them cautiously, he kept close to Elizabeth as he felt the people eyeing him. "Maybe we can ask one of the stall owners? They might know of a way to get out of here." Elizabeth suggested, Hoseok looked back at her and thought for a moment. Before he had the chance to say anything, a young stall owner spotted the two and waved them over. He has heart-shaped lips, very big eyes (like an owl), full cheeks and small ears. He has a very handsome face and thick eyebrows, he stood to be an inch shorter than Jimin. He was wearing a long beige coat, a white turtleneck and black pants, with black snow boots. Elizabeth thought he was rather handsome, his brown eyes seemed to hold empathy.

Hoseok hesitated but Elizabeth took that as a sign of him being welcoming, so she dragged him over to the stall. "Wait, Elizabeth. What if he's trying to set us up?" Hoseok quipped, "You know for an Angel, you have little faith in people." She said, "I may be an Angel, but I'm a Guardian Angel to be exact. My only job is to look out for you and keep you safe and if that means I have to be suspicious of people, I will." Hoseok answered, making Elizabeth pat his shoulder.

"I'm sure that we'll be fine." Elizabeth smiled. Hoseok's heart thudded in his chest as he looked at her, he couldn't understand where she had gotten all this faith in people from but it warmed his heart incredibly. "She's incredible to still see the good in people despite all she's been through with that Warlock. Having such unwavering faith in others is not easy to keep. She's simply an incredible and sweet human being." He thought to himself, he snapped out of his thoughts as Elizabeth led him over to the stall.

"Hello, I saw you two walking around over there and you seemed lost. I've never seen you two before, are you new in town?" The young man asked.

"Yeah.. We are. We were wondering if there was a way out of here." Elizabeth said.

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