Chapter 30. Remembering

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The bell rang, disrupting the echoes of my voice.

Everyone began standing up and packing away their things without another word, "Okay, s-see you all tomorrow!" I quickly greeted with a smile just before they left the classroom.

As the college students passed by me, I noticed Tim, he didn't even spare a glance as he looked down. I didn't know he was in my class. My nervousness-which I succeeded in hiding-is too much to scan the whole classroom for faces. I just taught what the previous art teacher didn't finish.

Tim reminds me of Byron, just a little bit. Their both so quiet, but at least Tim actually started a conversation with me when we met at the diner before, unlike Byron, who will literally avoid all sorts of conversations.

I sighed as I grabbed my stuff and left the room as well, heading to the office.

My mood had picked up during the two hours I taught. But now that I have to return, I might see his face again and might have the urge to throw another fit, maybe even crush his head since it doesn't really contain anything. What a jerk . . .


"I asked you nicely," Sophia walked towards me as I backed away, "My project is due today, where is it?!" Her voice attracted the attention of the students taking their time in the hallway, not expecting her 'glorified' presence, with her skank get-up.

My back hit a locker as I stepped back, putting me on a halt, "I don't have it, Sophia . . ." I meekly say.

"What the heI told you to get it done!" She screamed, "Do you know what missing this project would do to my grades?!" She shoved me by the shoulder.

"But I have my own projects to do." I mumble, looking down.

"Like I care," she said, crossing her arms and tapping the heels of her shoe on the ground, the gesture making her bust stick out more but she doesn't really care whether guys ogle her. "Whatever, just give me your project, I'll pass it as my own." She stretched a hand in front of me, expecting me to give it up.

I gripped my report tight, "I'm not gonna do that."

She paused and placed a hand on her hip, "Excuse me?"

"I worked hard for this, my own grades are failing because I keep helping you." I quietly muttered as I looked up at her, anger building up.

She blinked before giving a short laugh, "Funny. Now give it to me." Sophia repeated, but I held it firmly, "Give it to me, Lucille." Her voice grew more stern.

"Why?" I matched her tone, fed up, "'Cause you're too much of a dumb whore to do your own projects?" A series of comments emerged from the crowd that had already formed. I might get isolated by the whole school for talking back to their 'queen' but I just don't care anymore. I can't take this.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" She hissed.

"Maybe you're so busy prostituting yourself to the whole basketball team." I nodded, "I think I understand why you wear those clothes."

She scoffed, "Sorry, you're mistaken. I don't sell my body like your mother." She sarcastically said.

Without another thought, Sophia was on the ground and I was repeatedly hitting her, scratching her, tugging on her hair. My body moved on its own and my mind was filled with the times she humiliated me and the times she insulted my whole being.

After the struggle, I was suddenly pulled away from her while a bunch of girls helped her, "Joy, what are you doing?!" I heard Darwin's alarmed voice from behind as he ran closer.

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