The Girl

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The doctor and rose were traveling to another planet when suddenly the tardis changed course. "Doctor!" Rose said as the sudden jolt made lose grip on the railing. "What's going on?!" She asked once she got a grip of herself and the railing. "Don't know. It's like the tardis is being pulled somewhere." He said. The tardis landed somewhere and the doctor looked at the scan. Rose looked at it too. "What are we doing on earth? I thought we were going to the lost moon of poosh?" She asked. Then he felt it, the mental connection that time lords have with each other. Fortunelly rose knew what that looked said. He always had it when he told stories about his people. He then smiled. "What are doing sitting here an adventure is right out of that door!" He said running to the tardis door. He wasn't paying attention to where he was going and crashed into someone. By the time rose got to the door she saw a girl and the doctor on the ground. She went to the girl instead of the doctor knowing he was okay. "You alright miss?" She asked helping the girl back on her feet. By the time she was up the doctor was up. The doctor had a confused face on. "Something wrong mister?" The girl said having an American accent. He shook it off and smiled. "Ello!" He said. "I'm the doctor. And this is rose." He said pointing to the blonde girl. "My names lyra and..." Lyra looked into the clouded sky. "It's going to rain." She said. The doctor and both shared confused expressions.
Lyra's POV
Could he be the time lord I was sensing? I thought I was the only one left. I told them it was going to rain. Before they asked how I knew some drops started to fall. "My house is not that far. We can make before we get soaked!" I said grabbing both by one hand. We ran five blocks before I saw my house. We went inside and I closed the door. "Blimey!" Rose said out of breath. "Ether you a good runner or your not human." She said between breaths.

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