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As I was walking past a TV store I herd the news. "I repeat, stay inside if you see the alien. Your only chance is to hide and pray that it doesn't find you." And with that the TV shut off for some reason. I spotted a child down the road I walking on. "Mark! Get inside!" Mark's mother screamed. I then began my search for the doctor to see if he's here already. I went house after house, nothing. I went one house and up the stairs. As I was going up the stairs a woman yelled "don't hurt the children!" I guessed there was children upstairs. Good then this would work. I went up stairs. I can tell that the children had hidden in closets and under the bed. I pushed the button on my device and one quick second I chnaged to my normal human looking time lord self. I stretched a little and opend the window before I faked screaming. Im guessing the mother came up and asked what happened. "It went out the window! I told the others to hide." I said. Sounding like a scared pre teen. I knew it wasn't cool to sound like a child when you look thirteen. "What's your name?" She asks. "Lyra." I told her. Lyra was my earth name. The Shadow was my time lord name. Why? Because if you can't see me it makes it easier to kill you. And your fate depends on what side your on. "Well lyra your staying with me."
13 year time skip
I told the woman, who goes by the name "momma", that I was going out for a walk. She didn't want me too, but she didn't stop me from walking out the door. When I made sure I was far into a dark alley I changed back into the shadow. I walked out and children screamed and ran. Then I herd it. That all too familiar sound. It brings hope wherever it went, now it just fills me with anger. I went into a dark part of the street. I herd someone talking but I couldn't make out about what or by who. I changed back into lyra when I Herd momma scream for them to get inside. I followed right after them.

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