Captured And Left

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My wings were getting tired. But I didn't care. The portal was closing. It suddenly closed on me and I wrapped my wings around me and rose so we we fell I didn't crush her. "Rose!" The doctor yelled as her came to us. I think I pulled something. I opened my eyes and saw the doctor waiting for me to give a response. I opened my right wing so I can open my left. Reaveling rose in my feet. When she saw the doctor they hugged each other. "I must get back to the tardis before the police show up." I said. He nodded. I got up and speed my wings. I jumped into the air. "Fire!" Someone said. I looked down and saw that someone shot something. It wrapped around me. I had one free wing and I used it to try and free myself. "Lyra!" I herd rose yell. I looked up and saw rose on the same floor in the building. I hit the ground and stood up still in what felt like ropes. "Watch it! Hold it down!" I herd a female voice say. I struggled as they pinned me to the ground and ejected something into my neck. It took effect immediately. With my vision blurry I managed to see them back away. I felt very sleepy. Blackness coverd the edges of my vision. I fell to the floor still trying to fight it. I fell asleep against my will. Hope the doctor comes to my rescue.
Rose's POV
As I watched lyra fly back to I'm guessing the tardis. The doctor explained why she came to save me. I herd a roar so me and the doctor both looked and saw lyra tangled in ropes. She had one free wing and she was flapping it around. "Lyra!" I yelled as she hit the ground hard. "What are unit doing here?" The doctor asked and they pinned lyra to the ground. "Come on!" The doctor said running down the stairs. I thought we were going to get lyra but not was I wrong. He ran back to the tardis. "Wait! What are we doing? Aren't we gonna get lyra back?" I asked him. He gave me a sad look and set the tardis to go into space.

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