Switching Roles

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Lyra's POV
I could tell he was talking to the dragon inside him. Rose was starting to think we broke him so I had to snap him back to here and now. I looked around in my cabinets for an eel. I finnaly found one and shoved it in the doctor's face. He screched and tried to back away from the cursed thing. He turned around and ran out the door hitting me with his tail and causing a cut on my face. "Ow! Ow!" I yelled holding my face.Rose took the eel from me and though it out into space. My eyes went wide at what he just did. It wasn't the fact that the doctor hurt me. It said that if a night fury injures you you become one of them. "Lyra? What wrong?" Rose asked. "He cut me..." I said looking at the small dot of blood. "Is that bad?" She asked getting a wash cloth. "For your doctor yes, for me no." I told her.
Doctor's POV
Eel? Really? I asked it. I suddenly felt really cold. Whats happening? I asked. Your girl, the brown haired one, what's her name? It asked. Why should I tell you? I asked. You cut her on the way out. Meaning she will become one of us and you will become normal. The dragon said. I was worried. What if she went all dalek-ish? She won't go insane. The only reason you did was because two minds are in one body. Only one knew how to use it. It said. Made sense. I guess. I could already fell the change. Starting with the wings and tail. Only this time it wasn't painful. If you just starred at it you wouldn't see a difference, thats how slow it was. Wouldn't you be in her mind? I asked. No. I would die in a sense. Then again I was never born in the first place.
Lyra's POV
I felt cold suddenly. "Are you okay?" Rose asked. The doctor walked back into the room. And nuzzled me on the hand. "You know what's happening?" With a hope sound.

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