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The next time I woke up I felt a bit sore. I looked at myself. Wings, claws, tail, razor sharp teeth. Yeah were done. "Where are you two?" The doctor asked. "Do you have clothes on? Cuz that's the reason I'm going to open the door." I said more worried about rose than myself. "Hold on..." He said. Jezze doctor, yeah wake up and stay naked why don't ya? Sarcasm. "Now open the door. It's getting dull in here." He said with a bored tone. I had to go fetch rose to open it. When I found her she was in the control room. "Which one are you? The doctor?" She asked. I nodded my head no. "Lyra? So the change is done?" She asked. I kept bugging her towards the halls of the tardis. She eventually got the hint and went to open the door to see a normal doctor. "Next time ask before you take my stuff." I told him making smoke come out of my nose to enforce my point. "Yeah I'm sorry." He said. He then got revenge and start petting me. "Oh yeah. Right there." I said when he was under my chin. He stopped and I fell to the floor. "Right! Now. Where do we go now?" He asked rose heading to the control room. "Can we visit my mum? Just to tell her I'm alright?" She asked. The doctor then began to set the tardis to go London, earth. When we landed rose ran up the stairs to hugg her mom. The doctor followed her. I stayed in the control room. Occasionally looking at the screen to see if they are coming back. 2 hours passed. I was in deep sleep in my room when an alarm blared though out the tardis. I looked at an screen and saw rose trying to get something back up. Then I know why the tardis told me. I ran like a blur though out the tardis to save her. Using wings to take flight to get to building faster. I noticed people were frightened by the fact that they thought there was another alien on earth. By the time I got there rose lost grip of the handle. I grabbed her with my feet and started to flap my wings to go the other direction. The doctor watched intensely as I fight against the laws of nature. I checked on rose, she was having onto my feet as like she would fade away.

Doctor Who: Dragon On BoardWhere stories live. Discover now