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I nodded. "I turn into a dragon and you turn back into normal." I said. Rose got excited then it died down when she realized what that ment. We could see a difference in the wings. Normally some of it would be touching the ground. But they weren't. I felt something on my back. The main bone for the wings are growing. "Alright lets get some sleep yeah?" They agreed and me and the doctor slept on the floor while rose had all of the bed to her self. When I made sure she was asleep I talked to the doctor. "You know your eyes are beautiful." He looked up from his curled up sleeping position. "Yeah?" He said asking if I meant it. "Yeah. It's like looking into the time vortex back on gallifrey. All blue and looking like it could go on forever." I told him remembering gallifrey. "It does." He said in a matter-of-factly tone. I looked at him. I rolled onto the other side facing away from him. "Night." I said out loud already half asleep. He didn't say anything back. While we were sleeping the change went a tad faster. I had black claws on my hands, black wings and a long black tail, and my ears became frills. When rose woke up, me and the doctor was still asleep. She looked at me, a part dragon time lord. Then she looked to the doctor, a dragon turning back into a time lord. She had to be careful when getting out bed because I was on my back twitching and moving in my sleep, and my wings were half folded in covering the floor. She was about to walk out to get breakfast when I called out to her. "Rose." She stopped and looked at me. "Yeah?" She asked. "Help me get the doctor in another room." I said. "Why?" Asked rose. "Think about it rose, when he turned there was clothing on the floor." I let her think about it for a moment till she made a face of disgust. "Okay. Thank you for not scaring me for life." She said getting the doctor's feet. We put him in the next over to mine. Rose got a pair of clothes for him. I went back to sleep to let the time pass faster. I herd the tardis hum a tune that I was fond off for some odd reason and I let lull me to sleep.
(A\N: the tune did actually help me sleep once. Its like telling a story but with no words.)

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