The Dark Side To Eveything

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Voices overlapped each other. They varied from male, female, or alien. "Bow ties are cool." A voice said. It sounded like the doctor's voice. "Demons run when a good man goes to war." Another said. "Good men don't need rules." I herd the doctor say angry. "That's why I have so many." He said. I smell something weird, I can't tell what. That was how weird it was. What did he do while I was gone? Was the tardis trying to tell me something? I didn't get an answer because I woke up. I moved to the other side of my bed only to find a bowtie loosely tired to my wrist. It was from the doctor I could tell. Maybe it was his scent that was weird? I didn't know why but it made me feel better. I got out of bed and chnaged into some clothes. I put the bowtie in my pocket. I tried to find the kitchen but I knew the tardis was playing with me. She lead me to room that had my device that allowed me to turn into a dragon. I was to put it around my when someone shouted. "No!" I turned around and saw the doctor very worried. "What?" I said somewhat annoyed, but I didn't show it. "It isn't safe." He stated. Like that cleared everything up. "What?" I let it show this time. "You know how you said when that when became a shadow?" He asked quietly. I think it scared him that I still had the necklace in my hand. I nodded. "I think you created a dark side for you. And it's in that necklace." He explained. "It's alright I won't do anything unless you say so." A voice said. "Lrya?" He asked. I barely herd him cause my focus was on the necklace I had in my hand. "You won't?" I asked. "I won't. But promise something...." The voice said. I physically nodded, not noticing the doctor scanning me with his sonic. "Promise to play with me? Promise to treat me like you best friend?" I knew why she, yes my dark side was girl like me, picked 'a best friend'. Cause we were basically the same person so we had similar likes and dislikes. "Promise to let me help when needed?" She asked. "I promise." I said, not realizing I said it out loud and the doctor herd it.

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