Tomorrow Is Another Day

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After I herd him leave I learned against the door, sighing. I didn't mean too, but i wanted some "me" time before I do anything else. I got up and went to bed knowing that tomorrow I'll do something with the doctor. The next morning.... I yawned and stretched, relieved that tomorrow is another day. Getting up I went to go find the doctor. Not in the living room, not in the guest room, that left one option, the tardis. Putting on some sneakers I started my walk back towards the tardis. I shouldn't have done that. As I continued my walk I herd a shot being fired. Though I didn't remember falling to the ground. I think I teleported..... "I'm sorry doctor, but it had to be done." A voice said.
The Doctor's POV
After I made sure she didn't make a bruise on my nose I went around and looked at her house. It need a good dusting, and cleaning. She hasn't been here for over 10 years, its not her fault. My brain reasoned. I've decide to a little cleaning for her. After that I went to the tardis. She made a noise of welcome and concern. I think she knew about my almost injury. "I'm fine old girl. Let's give lyra some time to her self." I told her. The lights flash green, meaning she agreed and was happy. I went through the halls to get to the kitchen, instead the tardis lead me to Lyra's room. What could she possibly want me to do here? I questioned as I entered. It was moist, meaning she took a shower on the tardis before she left. But then I noticed that none of Lyra's stuff was here. I know she had some stuff on the tardis. I brushed it off, thinking she took all of her stuff with her, but she didn't have anything in her hand when she entered the console room. Something's going on.... I thought as I scanned the area with the tardis. Nothing here. I then went back to Lyra's home. On they way there I picked up the trace of a transport beam. "Sorry doctor." A voice said. Jack.......
A\N: I'd like to thank you all for reading my Doctor Who story. If you liked it and want me to make another story following this leave a comment. I put a fnaf 4 reference in this chapter becuz someone wanted me know to. Till next time, keep reading, and stay creative.

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