Not Alone

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The doctor kept staring at me like it would make him remember something if he kept doing it. "Could stop staring at me? I get enough of that at school." I said not looking at him. I found myself looking into his and the connection seemed to become clearer. "Doctor, could she be?" Rose said still a little out of breath. "Are you?" He said. Was he in my mind? Talk about personal space. "Yeah." I said out loud, forgetting that we had a human next to us. "Can someone care to fill me in?" Rose said. I broke the connection and looked at her. "When time lords find another of there kind they can sense them through telepathic connection. Just like you humans, you are also connected but not as high as time lords are." I explained. Long story short me and the doctor talked about gallifrey and our race, with me being the one to help rose understand. "Why don't you have two hearts?" He suddenly asked. "I don't know to be honest." I said. As long as I can remember on my time on earth I always had one heart. My phone went off. It was my friend, skyla. "Hey I saw you with a man running through the rain! Did you finally get someone?" She asked. She was talking about the doctor. I went into a room and closed it and then locked it. With a deadbolt seal. "No! Him and me are not dating!" I could hear the smile in her response to that. "But you had a smile, unless of course he was taken by the blonde girl?" Starker much? "Do you stalk me wherever I go? It's like you have nothing better to do." Little did I know that the doctor was coming up the stairs with rose behind him. When he herd me talking one of the doors he tried to open it. When it wouldn't open he tried the sonic. When it didn't even budge he said "clever girl." Rose snickerd at the thought that a little girl beat her time lord. They listened as I talked about multiple reason why I couldn't date the doctor. "Skyla you know this he's probably older than me." I said with a hand on my four head. "Remind me how old you are again?" She said.

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