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"I got the signal." She told me. I looked up from my book. "Took you long enough." I mumbled. "It's not my fault that's its so far away. Do you want to wake Clara for you?" She asked. I nodded. "Last time I tried I was welcomed to a pillow and a few choice words." He said rubbing his nose. The tardis made a beeping, to simulate laughing. "Oi! Stop laughing and wake her up." He told her, while pointing a finger at the console. He felt the tardis shake, but to Clara it probably felt like an earthquake. "Doctor!!" She yelled. "I said to wake her up, not to make her the end of me." He joked lightly. She walked in the control room and glared at the time lord. He had to fight back form saying "woah." Because her hair was a mess. "We going somewhere important, were saving earth again!" He said excited. She walked back to her room to get dressed while he set the tardis to go to earth. When they landed she came back dressed in her usual outfit. They walked out and found that they landed in an alley way. They walked onto the street and the doctor frowned. "What? What is it?" She asked. "There's no people." He said. "What's wrong with that? It's night." She said. "Oi!" A voice said. We looked around for the owner of the voice. "You have a death wish? Get inside!" The voice said. We turned and saw a woman poking her head out of her door. We got inside. She kept the door open for another child that followed us. "What's happing?" Clara asked. "Where have you been living? Under a rock?" She asked with complete surprise that we didn't know. Clara mutterd something that wasn't nice, so I elbowed her softly.
Lyra's POV
The man I just followed is fairly interesting. He's acts different from the rest of the people. I watched him as the woman explained what have been happing. He noticed me and asked about me. "Oh her? She's lyra. She is normally quiet." She said. He looked like an old memory just came back to him. "Bed time!" She yelled though the house. The newest people where in my room. After I was sure the others was asleep I pulled a chair a sat at a window, to look at the stars.

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