What You Have Done

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"Nice to see you old girl." I said patting the console. She sent me a telepathic message. "You know he isn't going to be happy when he finds out." I knew what she was talking about. "Thanks for reminding me." I said sarcastically. "Now what were you going to say?" I asked him. He looked up from his sonic screwdriver. "Something has happened while I was gone." It was more of a statement then a question. I broke. I sobed, cried and blew my nose with the tissues the tardis supplied for me. All while I told him I waited for him to come get me. I told him I escaped and killed people to satisfy the fear of being left alone again. "Oh! And speaking of you..." The rest of the sentence was packed in one good swing to the face with my fist. That was the time the doctor's companion I guessed walked in. "I probably deserved that." He said rubbing his cheek. I then dragged him to a room, my room and closed the door. She stayed in front of the door and listened.
Clara's POV
I woke to the sound of a door opening and closing. I look out of the window and saw the girl that was called "lrya" along with the doctor heading in the direction of the tardis. I followed out of curiosity. By the time I walked in the girl threw a punch to him. "I probably deserved that." He said rubbing his cheek. He was then dragged by the teen to a room in the tardis. She closed the door behind her. "Now I will tell you what you done to me!" I herd her yell. "Lrya don't. Please!" He begged. The sound of another punch filled the tardis. "Don't call me that I told you what my name is!" She yelled. She sounded like she was angry with something the doctor do to her. Typical. She sounded like she was crying while she was yelling. "I'm sorry for not coming sooner! Please just stop!" He pleaded. "Oh! Where were you when I waited for you, huh? Day after day I had to sit in a cell at Torchwood waiting for you!" She said.

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