A Shooting Jack Harkness

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So after fining a way to turn me back to normal be went out and tried to find jack. Well he found us, the bad way. We where going though the allyways trying to find clues as to where jack could be. "He could be anywhere by now!" I yelled in frustration. "Now calm down or you'll set off shadow again." He said trying to calm me down. It was temporary thing he did, he did something to me to make it where if I'm calm I stay normal but if I get angry or frustrated enough I turn into shadow. We looked a little more and was about to call it quits when.....BANG! A gunshot rang. I gasped as the bullet hit my back, causing me to fall forwards. The doctor slowed my decent to the ground. "Doctor step away from that monster." A voice said. "I'm sorry lrya but I can't assist because of the doctor spell. It blocking my connection with your brain and body." Shadow said sadly. Blackness started to cover my vision. "Lrya! Lyra! Common stay with me!" He stood me against a wall. He then faced the one who shot me, jack. "You didn't have to do that." The doctor said. "She killed millions, if something wasn't done, she could have killed millions more." Jack tried to reason. "She was coming to say sorry, to apologize. And you didn't give her the chance!" Even my hearing starting to go out, I was able to hear the doctor get angry at jack shooting me. "Sorry doesn't bring back the people she killed, sorry doesn't stop the fear she stabbed in people's hearts, sorry doesn't fix anything!" Jack said. Hearing that I wanted to cry. I dint know what I had truly done, till now. I've taken people's family, put fear in there hearts, and much worse. "Im sorry..." I managed to say. Both of them looked to me. The doctor came closer and scanned me with the sonic. He picked me up and carried me back to the tardis. He put me on my bed and whispered "Your know what to do." Whether it was ment for the tardis or me, I dint know. He went back out, where jack was waiting. "All of this was my fault." He said. "How is that a surprise?" Jack asked sarcastically. They talked, and came to the conclusion that if I start trouble again on earth jack would be dealing with me personally.

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