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I stepped out and got dressed. I herd the engines of the tardis stop, meaning we went somewhere. I grabbed my things and headed to the console room. The doctor and his companion was there. She hugged him and left out of the tardis. I gave him a questioning look. "She wanted to be dropped off at her home and told me to come to her in two weeks." He said. I suddenly wanted to go home. Maybe he can join me? As he was setting the next place to go, I set the time machine to go to america, my home. it was his turn to me a questioning look. "I wanna go home too." I could tell I just broke something. I think I herd his hearts shatter. "Not like that. You coming with me, I'm just a bit homesick." I explained. He let go of the breath he was holding, suddenly able to breath again. We waited as the space machine went though After a few minutes we've landed. I ran out screaming "Ahh! America! Home of the free.....or something like that." I said suddenly forgetting what the saying was. The doctor slowly stepped behind me closing the door behind him. "You know I never liked America." I stopped waving my arms around like an idiot and looked at him. "Why? The guns?" I asked. He nodded. I made a silent vowel that as long as I'm here, no one will dare to point a gun at him. We began our walk down the main street of where we landed. People instantly spotter me and coward down in fear of what I might do if they didn't. "It's no use lrya, they never liked us. And they never shall." Shadow told me. "You knew my plans?" I asked as we continued the walk towards my house. "I always do. I don't see you complaining." She said with a chuckle. We've made it to my house. "So why were those people doing that when they saw you?" He asked as we stepped inside. I knew he was going to ask that question sooner or later. I ignored him and went to my room. Before he got the chance to follow I closed the door and accidentally hit him in the face. I had to refrain from getting up and asking him if he was okay even though I knew he was.

Doctor Who: Dragon On BoardWhere stories live. Discover now